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Requested by: Astrid871


Jennie's POV

It's a Saturday afternoon and I'm still lying on my bed feeling sick. I don't know if it's because of the weather or maybe I just ate too much milk ice cream last night. Me and Lisa were supposed to be on a date right now but I called in rain check and told her that I'm not feeling well. 

It's a good thing that Lisa is the kind of person who is very patient when it comes to postponing one of our dates. She's very understanding, sweet and thoughtful. In short she's perfect and I am so lucky to have her as my girlfriend. 

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone suddenly dings. Speaking of the monkey, Lisa sent me a message.

Lisa Poo: I'm on your front door.

I didn't bother sending her a reply as I lazily got up from my bed and let her in my flat. I kissed her cheek and noticed that she's carrying paper bags on both of her hands.

"What are these?" I asked and followed her in my kitchen. 

"Well, these are all your favorite food, and I'm going to stay here for tonight." She took my hand and led me to my bedroom. I just let her do the things that she wants, such as making me lie down on my bed again and wrapping me into my thick blanket. 

"You should rest for today Nini, I know you probably ate all the Milk Ice Cream I gave you yesterday." She chuckled while shaking her head. Hmm it's not entirely my fault why I got sick tho.

"Have you eaten anything earlier? Before I got here?" 

"Yeah, I ate some soup earlier." I said and she took out some medicine from her bag. She made me drink it and she also took my temperature.

"Seems like your fever went down a bit." She got up and kissed my forehead. But before she can completely leave my bed, I held her hand tight, trying to give her a look that I want her by my side.

She chuckled and said, "Nini, I might get sick too you know. I thought you didn't want that?" She was right tho, every time I get sick I always forbid and ban her into going in my apartment so she wouldn't catch my fever. But this time, I want her to stay by my side.

I pulled her towards me, making her pressed her back on my headboard. I snuggled into her chest and hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head.

"And if I catch a fever?" 

"Then let's be sick together." I told her and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

"But what if-

"Lisa for god's sake let's just sleep and please don't ruin this moment." She just laughed at what I said and hugged me tight. Silence engulfed us for a while, I was about to fall asleep when I felt her hand caressing my hair softly while whispering her soft I love you's. 

I smiled to myself knowing that Lisa is by my side and wouldn't go away. I answered her by leaving a soft peck on her temple, and after a while I fell asleep in the arms of the person I love the most.


A/N: Sorry for the short one shot. I'll update more since I have a lot of free time :>

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