Mobile Legends

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Lisa: Stupid turret!!!

Jennie: ...

Lisa: Yah!! No no don't go there!!

Jennie: ...

Lisa: Seriously!? Why are you all after me!??

Jennie: ...

Lisa: Yahhh!! I swear to God I'm going to kill you after I resurrected you piece of shit!!!

Jennie: LISA-AH!! *annoyed*

Lisa: Huh!?? What!?? Nini what's wrong!??? *concerned*

Jennie: Will you please stop shouting!? I'm trying to watch a movie and what the hell are you even doing!?

Lisa: Oh, umm I'm just playing a game hehe

Jennie: What kind of game is that anyway?

Lisa: Oh it's called Mobile Le- No No!! No Guinevere!! Don't die!! Ugh what the fuck!? That's already the third time you killed me Karrie!

Jennie: Guine- what!? Who the hell is that? Bitch are you cheating on me!? *is angry and made her way towards Lisa*

Lisa: I'm not cheating on you, I'm playing a game. I'm on a Rank mode so I need to focus.

Jennie: *looks at the game* What is that game again?

Lisa: Mobile Legends

Jennie: Hmm okay. I'm going to call the company of that game and I'll make sure that they shut that game down because my girlfriend is focusing on that stupid game with a character named Guirnevere!

Lisa: Correction, it's Guinevere, not Guirnevere. *still playing*

Jennie: *took Lisa's phone and threw it outside the window*

Lisa: Nini!! That's my phone!! Why did you threw my phone!?? *shook*

Jennie: No phone, No Mobile Legends, No Guirnevere, Peaceful Life and Happy Girlfriend.

Lisa: It's not Guirnevere it's Guine-

Jennie: Say another word about that bitch and you'll be the next one flying out of our window.

Lisa: *gulps* O-Okay.

Jennie: Good. Now come on, let's go to your room. I'll make it up to you *winks and grins at Lisa*

On the other side of the room

Jisoo: Chaeng?

Chaeyoung: Yes eonnie?

Jisoo: I know I like to play games and stuff but please don't throw my phone out of the window just like what Jennie did to Lisa's phone

Chaeyoung: I won't do that eonnie, as long as you know your limitations then it'll be fine *kisses Jisoo's cheeks*

Jisoo: *blushes*


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