Valentines Day

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Lisa: Nini!

Jennie: ...

Lisa: Hey Nini! *made her way towards Jennie*

Jennie: *looks at her with a cold aura* What do you want?

Lisa: Can you be my date today?

Jennie: I'm not in a mood

Lisa: *baby voice* Please Nini! It's Valentines Day, we should hang out and date like other normal couples do.

Jennie: Why do we even need to do what other couples do? We're not even a couple Lisa. Just go sleep or something.

Lisa: Oh. . Uh, okay then. *walks out and went to her room*

Jisoo: *saw and heard everything* Jendeuk! You know you don't have to be that harsh.

Jennie: I really am not in a mood today unnie.

Chaeyoung: At least be nice unnie. She's been nervous since we came back from New York.

Jennie: Why would she be nervous?

Chaeyoung: Cause she wanted to ask you out on a date and maybe.. Confess?

Jennie: Confess what?

Jisoo: Don't be numb Jendeukie, she likes you

Jennie: *blushes* How come?

Jisoo: Jisoos Christ, just go to her room already *walks to the kitchen with Chaeng*

Jennie: God, I should really go to her room *walks in Lisa's just to find the latter sulking*

Jennie: Hey Lis?

Lisa: ...

Jennie: *sighs* Lisa-ah, talk to me

Lisa: What do you want?

Jennie: I'm sorry

Lisa: Sorry for what?

Jennie: For rejecting your offer

Lisa: It's fine. Don't worry about me

Jennie: But still, I'm sorry. *moves closer and hugs Lisa*

Lisa: *blushes* I told you it's fine

Jennie: *talks in baby voice* But I think you're still mad at me. I won't let go til you forgive me.

Lisa: You know I can never stay mad at you right?

Jennie: I know, cause you're too whipped

Lisa: *chuckles* Yeah whatever

Jennie: Now get your ass up and let's go on a date. Like how you always wanted to.

Lisa: Wait.. Really?

Jennie: *shows her gummy smile and kisses her cheeks* Yes, really. Now let's go, I heard you still have to confess something.

Lisa: *blushing mess* C-Confess? Hey! Wait! Who told you that!? Ugh I swear if it's Jisoo Unnie, I will throw all of her chickens away!

Jennie: Lets just go Manoban! You're wasting time!

On the other side of the house..

Chaeyoung: I heard Lisa wanted to throw your chickens for telling Jennie unnie that she likes her.

Jisoo: She'll thank me later 


Belated Happy Valentunes Day everyone!

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