Wish you were gay

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Lisa: Nini!!!

Jennie: What?

Lisa: Let's date

Jennie: pft-- Nice joke Lisa

Lisa: ...


Lisa: Nini!!

Jennie: *on her phone, texting someone* Yes Lisa?

Lisa: Let's date pleeeaaasseeee!!

Jennie: Sure. When?

Lisa: Really!?? Well, let's date right now.

Jennie: Oh.. Uh sorry Liz. I can't right now, I promised Kai we would hang out. Maybe tomorrow yeah?

Lisa: ... Uh yeah sure. Have fun.


*few days later, Lisa founds out that Jennie and Kai are officially dating*

Jennie: Lisa!! Let's hang out.

Jennie: Lis?

Jennie: Chaeng have you seen Lisa?

Chaeyoung: She's been in her room all day Eonnie.

Jennie: Why? What's wrong with her?

Chaeyoung: Maybe you should check on her.

Jennie: *enters Lisa's room* Lisa-- Hey are you okay?

Lisa: ...

Jennie: Hey, we can hang out now. Let's date, just like how you've been asking me these past few days.

Lisa: ...

Jennie: Look, I'm sorry I haven't paying attention to you. I was--

Lisa: --you're dating Kai.

Jennie: Y-Yeah. I am.

Lisa: Good. Now ask him to hang out with you. Not me.

Jennie: Lisa, don't be like that please. Don't be cold towards me.

Lisa: ...

Jennie: *sighs* What exactly do you want Lisa?

Lisa: I wanted us to date.

Jennie: *scoffs* That's what I've been asking you earlier. Seriously, why are you being so stubborn!?

Lisa: *bites her lip as she's preventing herself from crying* What I meant is a real date Jen! Not a friendly date, but a romantic one. Like how you and Kai date, like being a real couple

Jennie: L-Lisa, I'm straight and you know that--

Lisa: I know you're straight from the beginning Jennie, I know that I don't have any chance when it comes to having an open relationship with you. That's why I just kinda WISH YOU WERE GAY!

Jennie: I'm really sorry Lisa. I didn't know.

Lisa: Sure you didn't know. *wipes her tears* Even if you gave me hints that you're into me, everytime we're alone or even if we're on stage infront of thousands of Blinks watching us.

Jennie: Lisa, I wasn't giving you any hints. That was just a fan service. I'm sorry but all I can do is to love you as a friend. Nothing more.

Lisa was about to answer, but Jennie's phone suddenly rang

Jennie: It's Kai, I--

Lisa: You should go now.

Jennie: Lisa, please don't make this hard for yourself.

Lisa: I'm not. Now get out of my room, you don't wanna keep your boyfriend waiting for you right?

Jennie: I'm sorry. *she stood up and made her way out*

Lisa: *breaksdown and whispers to herself* I love you Nini. I always will.


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