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Lisa: *pets Leo*

Leo: *snuggles closer to Lisa*

Jennie: *walks in and notices her*

Jennie: What are you doing?

Lisa: Hmm? I'm cuddling with Leo.

Jennie: Why would you wanna cuddle with him? He's a cat.

Lisa: *talks in baby voice* Because Leo is a softy, and he wants his Mommy to cuddle with him. Isn't that right Leo?

Leo: *purrs*

Jennie: *rolls her eyes* I'm starting to hate that cat of yours

Lisa: But whyyyy? *still with her baby voice*

Jennie: Cause he's annoying.

Lisa: No he's not.

Jennie: Yes he is. He annoys me a lot.

Lisa: No he is not. Unless. .

Jennie: Unless what?

Lisa: *grins* Unless you're jealous of him.

Jennie: Exactly-- Wait what!? Of course not! Why would I be jealous of your cat!?

Lisa: ...

Leo: ... *continues to snuggle with Lisa, not minding the death glares that Jennie gives him*

Jennie: Ugh! Fine whatever. Just go downstairs, I made lunch for you.

Lisa: Okay! Me and Leo will be downstairs.

Jennie: *mumbles* I'll make sure that I'm way better than your cat Lisa.

Lisa: Did you say something?

Jennie: Oh nothing. *smiles sweetly*

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