Milk Ice Cream

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Jennie: *glares at Jisoo*

Jisoo: *looks everywhere just to avoid Jennie's death glare*

Chaeyoung: Why are you two so quiet?

Jisoo: Umm. . Cause we're quiet? *nervous chuckle*

Jennie: It's because I'm mad at her

Chaeyoung: Why would you be mad at her eonnie?

Jisoo: Exactly! I didn't even do anything! *fake cries*

Jennie: *scoffs* Oh please! You ate my ice cream!

Chaeyoung: Pfft! Eonnie it's just an ice cream.

Jisoo: Yeah right.

Jennie: It's not just an ice cream. It's my favorite milk ice cream given to me by Lisa!

*Lisa walks in, because she heard her name*

Lisa: Did someone call me?

Jisoo: Jennie did!

Jennie: What!? No I didn't!

Chaeyoung: Yes you did.

Lisa: Oohhh. . So what's up babe?

Jennie: Don't 'what's up babe' me Manoban, I'm not in a mood.

Jisoo: Jendeukie is fuming in anger right now.

Chaeyoung: And it's because of Jisoo Eonnie.

Lisa: Alright chu, what did you do this time?

Jisoo: I didn't do anything! I just ate her milk ice cream because I was literally hungry earlier!

Lisa: So is that why you're mad?

Jennie: ...

Jisoo: ...

Chaeyoung: ...

Lisa: *giggles then picked up her jacket and went to Jennie*

Lisa: Don't be mad at Jisoo eonnie anymore. I'll buy you tons of milk ice cream okay? *kisses Jennie's forehead and leaves*

Jennie: ...

Jisoo: I guess eating your milk ice cream wasn't so bad after all, so you should thank me Jendeukie!

Chaeyoung: You're lucky you have a sweet and caring Lisa.

Jennie: Oh shut up *blushes*

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