I love you (Part 5)

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August 10, 2019

It's been months now since I haven't talk to her. I never dared to send her a message, and I never dared to wait for her to at least send me one. I must admit, I still love her, but the fact that she can't love me back, still hurts me. So I diverted my attention to something else, something that I want to do to distract myself, and that is dancing. Sounds cliché but I love dancing, and Jennie knew about it too.

I got distracted at my own thoughts as I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller and to my surprise, it was Jennie's mom. I answered it immediately and she told me if I could come to their house for Jennie. I hesitated for a moment, but Jennie's mom is also like my mother, so I agreed on seeing her.

I arrived at her house and I was greeted by her mom.

"Nice to see you again Lisa." she told me and hugged me.

"Nice to see you too Mrs. Kim, can I ask you on why do you want me to go here?" I asked her and she gestured me to sit down so that she could tell me everything. I was confused for a moment, but I let her speak and I listen to her.

"You see Lisa, Jennie has been your friend since freshmen in high school. Everytime she gets home after school, she always talks about you. How good you are, how kind and nice you are, and how you treat and take care of her. I knew about the argument that you two had on her last birthday, I didn't mean to interfere to the both of you, but Jennie. . Jennie is doing this for you. She loves you Lisa, but she always stop herself from loving you, because she doesn't want you to get hurt." Her mom paused for a minute and I'm really confused right now.

"What do you mean by that Mrs. Kim? I'm confused right now and I don't know what you're talking about." I said

"She doesn't want to tell you this, but I think you deserve to know it. Jennie has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, she doesn't have much time left and she knew that. That's why she doesn't want you to love her." This time her mom is already crying now, and here I am. Still shocked from what I have heard. So all this time, Jennie has been sick. How stupid of me from not noticing it.

"May I see her?" I asked her mom and she nodded in agreement.

Her mom lead me to her room, and there I saw her sitting on her bed, in deep thoughts.

"Jennie?" I called her and she turned her head towards me. Shock was evident on her face cause I know that she didn't expect me to be here.

"Lisa? W-What are you doing h-here?" She asked as she stood up. I noticed that she got skinnier and there are some bruises on her legs and arms. This sight of her hurts me a lot. No wonder she's been wearing long sleeves all along.

I didn't answer her question, instead I charged myself towards her and hugged her tightly. Letting my tears fall freely, I felt her arms around my back and I knew that she's also hugging me back as she's also crying now.

I let go of the hug and cupped her face in my arms.

"I promise Jen, this time I will never leave you. Even if you push me away, I won't leave. I love you Nini, I really do. So please, let me spend most of my time with you." I told her and that's when she cried more. She didn't say anything and just hugged me.


Days, weeks, and months have passed, Jennie and I are still getting along. She didn't push me away anymore, instead she gave me a chance, she gave us a chance. She's always in the hospital, getting better and getting treated. I knew she wanted to be cured, she wanted to survive this disease, that's why I can see that she's fighting.

Right now, we're on the rooftop of their house. Gazing at the stars, having some small chats, laughing at each other. By this moment of ours, I can say that I'm contented. As long as she's with me and I can have her in my arms, I am contented.

"Jennie?" I took her attention as she looked at me.

"I love you." I said. I'm not expecting her to answer, but instead, she smiled at me. We stared at each other for a few seconds, until I started to lean forward. She didn't move an inch, that's why not a little longer, I felt her lips against mine, it's like magic to be honest. I finally kissed the girl I love throughout the years. We stayed in that position for a few seconds and we pulled away from each other, still admiring each others features.

"Lisa, I. . I lo-

She didnt get to finish her sentence, as she passed out. I immediately caught her, and carried her. That's when I called for her parents and rushed her to the hospital.


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