I love you

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September 26, 2014

I'm at the garden of our school, having some alone time so that I can relax myself and ease my anger. Yes, I'm angry right now, why? Because I was fooled. I was fooled in front of the girl I like, and what's worse is that my friends are the one who set me up and made fun of me. I hate them and I hate myself for trusting them. I know it's childish, but I don't wanna be friends with them anymore.

As I was thinking of what had happened awhile ago, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was, and there stood a girl. I think she's from the other class since she's a little familiar.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" she asked pointing the empty space beside me. I just nodded my head and moved a little further.

"I saw what happened earlier, and as what I can see, you're really upset right now." I turned my gaze to her direction and I was met by those brown orbs. I must say that she has pretty eyes, her long wavy hair suits her.

"I-I. . Yeah I'm a little upset." I told her and averted my eyes to look somewhere else.

"It's okay to be upset, knowing that your friends embarrassed you and made fun of you infront of the girl you like." She said.

"Yeah I know, that's why I won't be friends with them and I won't like that girl anymore." I said and gritted my teeth as I remembered the scenario.

"I think what you feel about that girl is pure infatuation, so I won't be surprise if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you won't be liking her as much as you liked her these past few months. But the fact that you won't befriend your friends, is not right. We are all still kids here in the eyes of the people around us, cause we're all freshmen who just stepped in high school. So we make mistakes, and we make urgent decisions without thinking of the outcome, and what I'm saying is, think first before you say or do something. If they want to say sorry to you, forgive them, don't ignore or throw them away, and just look at the bright side." I was stunned by her advice that I can't even utter a single word. She looked at me again and smiled at me. I felt my cheeks turning warm, and I knew I was blushing. I don't know why but her smile makes my heart flutter, like I wanted to see that smile of hers everyday.

After a moment of staring at her features, she stood up and said, "It's nice having a little chit chat with you Lisa."

She was about to walk away but I quickly stood up as well and held her wrist that made her stop from her tracks.

"Can we be f-friends?" I asked her as I stuttered but I know that I'm blushing.

"I thought we're already friends? But surething though." I let go of her wrist and she started walking away, but before she can go any further, I stopped her again.

"What is your name?" She looked back at me and smiled once again.


After that, she head towards the gate and walked her way out.


Why is that every time I say and think of your name, my heart always end up skipping a beat?

JENLISA STUFFWhere stories live. Discover now