My Girlfriend's Sister

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Lisa's POV 

Hi I'm Lisa, and I have a very beautiful girlfriend. Her name is Joohyun, Bae Joohyun or Irene, as others call her that. I love her very much and we've been together for a year now. I can say that everything between us is alright and we're getting stronger day by day. Well, not until I met her sister, step sister to be exact.

And her name is. . Jennie Kim.

The moment Joohyun introduced her sister to me, I was awestruck. Like she is so beautiful, of course my Joohyun is also beautiful but, those feline eyes and mandu cheeks gave way.

Everything was alright, as me and my girl with some of our friends hang out, Jennie tagged along with us, and sometimes Jennie would cling to me like a koala, which I don't mind but I knew Joohyun was being bothered by her sister's actions towards me. She talked to her sister actually, and Jennie just cleared things out saying that she only sees me as a friend or as a sister-in-law. That made me sigh in relief.

I almost believe Jennie when she said that, but as months passed by, things kinda get awkward between us. No, I'm actually awkward towards her. I mean who wouldn't? When she's not just clinging to me, instead she sometimes flirt with me. How did I know? Simple, she give me those flirty winks and smirks as I will accidentally look at her, oh and that one time where she literally dressed really really sexy and purposely sway her hips infront of me and lowered down her chest part of the dress where I could see her cleavage. I knew I shouldn't feel this way with my girlfriend's sister but how can you actually resist a Jennie Kim? Like right now, we're currently making out in her room and I know I totally fucked up. Joohyun didn't deserve this, it is so damn wrong, but it feels so damn right.

"Oh god Lisa, you're so fucking hot ugh!" Jennie moaned as I sucked on her neck and leave dark hickeys. She is so irresistible that I can't even control myself into kissing her.

"Just fuck me already Lisa." She said as she stripped herself infront of me and took my clothes off as well. As she pushed me down to her bed and straddled me, the door slammed open and comes in Joohyun.

Jennie didn't mind her sister by the door as she continue on sucking my neck. As soon as I saw Joohyun's tears fall freely, I snapped back to reality and had all the strength to push Jennie away from me.

"Fuck! What was that for Lisa!?" I didn't answer Jennie as I quickly put my clothes on and rush towards Joohyun's crying figure.

"Baby? I can explain. It doesn't look like- " I wasn't able to finish what I'm saying when I felt a hard slap on my cheek. I look back at Joohyun and she's crying hard now. I know she didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve to be hurt like this.

"Wasn't I enough for you Lisa? Heck do you even love me at all?" She asked and I pulled her for a hug. She kept pushing me and crying hard on my chest but I didn't move a muscle.

"You're more than enough for me Joohyun and trust me when I say that I love you. I really really fucking love you so much."

"Then why!? If you love me, you wouldn't screw my sister behind my back! Of all people Lisa, why my sister!?" She screamed at me and slapped me hard again. I looked at Jennie to my side and realized that she's silently crying as well.

I look back at Joohyun and said, "Believe me Joohyun, I really love you. But.. "

"But what Lisa!??" she started crying even more, as she maybe knew what would I say next.

"But I love her more. I love Jennie, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I broke you and I know you didn't deserve this kind of bullshit that I did. I totally fucked up our relationship, but I swear it wasn't my intention. After all, we really don't choose who we fall for." I said and that's when she broke down and cried even more. I embraced her for another hug and saw on the corner of my eye that Jennie was both looking at us.

Joohyun got out of my tight embrace and walked out of the room. I was about to follow her but a hand stopped me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Did you really mean it? What you said earlier?" Jennie asked and looked up to my eyes since she's smaller than me. I cupped her face and kiss her soft lips. "Yes baby, I meant every word that I said. I love you, and you made me even fall harder on you these past few months." I wiped her tears and hugged her again.

"But what about Joohyun?" She asked and slightly pulled away again.

"I'll talk to her again, I'll clear things out between us, and don't worry, she won't get mad at you. You are her sister afterall."

"Half sister baby." She said that made me chuckle a bit.

"Half sister then." she kissed me and pulled away showing me her gummy smile. "So are we official now?" I giggled a bit and nodded.

"If that's what you want? But seriously though, I still need to talk to your sister. I fucked her up and I feel so bad right now."

"Then talk to her first you monkey. I don't want to start a relationship with you, knowing that Joohyun is still hurting because of us." She said and slightly punch my chest with her small hands.

"I promise baby, I will. But know that I'm already yours." I pulled her closer and kissed her passionately.

"I love you Jennie, I really do."

"I love you too Lisa."


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