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Lili's POV

Okay so right now I'm going to prank my Nini he he he *grins* I know it's kinda rude and I know for sure that she'll get mad at me cause she doesn't really like to be prank. Last time I pranked her she let me sleep in the living room for a week!! Exaggerated right? But yeah who cares, I still love her.

Today is actually our 5th year Anniversary, can you believe that!??? We're already in a relationship for five years!!! Anyway, back to the plan, I'm going to prank her by pretending that I'm going to break up with her, I know it's a bit too much but it's just a prank, besides I have a surprise for her after, so that'll be okay. 

Not a little longer, I heard a click on the doorknob, meaning she's already here. I sat on the couch and put on my poker face.

"Lili I'm home" She called out, enough for me to hear it. I didn't respond and I think she noticed since I saw her entering the living room on my peripheral vision.

"Lisa? I called you out earlier, is there something wrong?" She stood beside me and I looked at her with my very cold expression, she seems surprise because to be honest she haven't seen me like this before, and I think the plan is working *grins*

"Love? What's wrong?" I stood up still facing her and said, "I'm breaking up with you" she looked so suprise and I can't help but laugh inside my mind.

"W-Wait, is this for real? You're really breaking up with me? For what reason??" She questioned me and I've got something on my mind on what to answer her question, oh god Jennie please forgive.

"I'm breaking up with you, cause I don't love you anymore" I said and I noticed her expression changed from confuse to a cold one and I think she's already mad, ugh dammit I'll stop this now. But before I could open my mouth again, her choice of words left me speechless.

"Alright fine, break up with me. Leave. I didn't even love you in the first place." She said

"W-What?" I asked, still shocked from what she said.

"God Lisa, you really didn't notice that, didn't you? After all these years? I can't believe I'm such a great actress. I only dated you because I need you and your fame, not because I want you. And no offense, Kai is way better than you."

"Kai? W-What do you mean by that Jen?" I asked, preventing myself from crying.

"Seriously? You didn't know that?? Oh honey, you are so numb. Okay fine, since we're already breaking up and I can already get the hell out of here, I'm going to be honest with you. I've been cheating on you with Kai, for two years now and I can't believe you haven't notice that. You're really funny Lisa" She said with a sarcastice tone in her voice and a smirk on her lips. So all this time, she's been cheating on me. After all the things I've done for her and loving her for five years, I can't believe the fact that it was all a lie.

"I guess we really should break up then." I looked at her, still preveting myself from crying and said, "Happy Anniversary my Nini, thank you for everything."

After I said that she looked at me with sad eyes as if she's feeling guilty. Psh, why would she feel guilty anyway?

I gave her a small smile and made my way out. Just as I closed the door, that's when I brokedown on my knees and let my tears fall freely, I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have prank her, maybe if I didn't prank her and pretended I'm breaking up with her, this wouldn't happen in the first place. Cause if I haven't done that, we would be cuddling now and watching Disney movies, or we would go to the carnival, celebrating our anniversary. Maybe, just maybe we would be getting ready to sleep while exchanging I love you's to each other. This is my fault, this is all my fault.

But what can I do? It already happened, I already know the truth, at least she's already free to go, at least she can be with Kai now. If she's happy, then I'm happy. Her happiness is my priority, I want her to smile, laugh and be with her love one, even if it isn't me.


A/N: I'm really sorry for the late update and for being inactive. I've been really busy these days because I've got some review for my college entrance exams. Anyway, I'll try my best to be more active and to update more often.

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