I love you (Part 4)

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January 16, 2019

It's been a year since I confessed to Jennie. After that scenario, I went to her house again, I apologize for my sudden confession and asked her if she could at least let me love her. She refused and told me she didn't want to, and she only see me as a friend. I know I'm being stupid that time, until now, but I don't care. I want to let her feel that I really do love her, and maybe, just maybe, someday she will love me back.

It's her birthday today, I'm at her house right now because she's having a get together with her friends, with us. It's not a party and all, but we ended our celebration at passed midnight. Our friends went home now and I was the one who was left behind. I still wanted to stay with her and give her my gift.

"Hey Jen, I have to give you something." I said and showed her my smile, and I'm glad that she also return it with a smile.

"What is it?" She asked. I took out velvet box and told her to close her eyes. She obeyed and I pulled the necklace out of the box and put it on her neck.

"You can open your eyes now, you know." She chuckled a little and opened her eyes. As she saw the necklace, I can see her admiring the gift I gave her.

"Please always wear that necklace Jennie. That's a symbol of my love for you, I will still wait for you and I will never get tired of loving you."

"I don't want to get your hopes up, but I'm going to say this for a millionth time already. I can't love you Lisa." She said as she had those sincerety in her eyes.

"Then tell me Jen. Tell me what can I do to make you love me back!?" I asked her desperately.

"There's nothing you can do! You will only get yourself hurt. I already told you Lis, I can't love you and I will never love you back!" Every word that she said, stabbed my heart and I can say that she's true to her words. This time, anger was built inside me. I left her standing there and stormed out of her house. Questions are still running through my mind, I want to ask her why and I know that she will only repeat those hurtful words that she threw me. But one thing is for sure. .  Jennie will never love me back.


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