I Don't Wanna Love You Anymore (Part 3)

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Requested by:  QueenDdd27

Lisa POV

"Jennie you can't be shitting with me right now!! You came back here and told me that you still love me and now you're telling me that you want us to break up again!!? That's bullshit!!" I yelled angrily at her and yes, we're arguing. After months of being together, everything's falling apart again. I don't know what's her problem anymore, I gave her everything, showed her that I love her so much but all she ever did was played me.

"I'm sorry Lisa, but I don't know what I really want. I love you but I still love Jisoo." She said while crying infront of me. At this point, I don't want to believe every little thing that comes out of her mouth.

"You can't love two people at the same time Jennie, you have to choose one. But yeah, you're Jennie Kim, someone who can't even choose between two people and someone who's selfish enough to play with other people's feelings." I spat at her as I massaged my temple, trying to ease my anger.

"I'm not being selfish Lisa! All I ever did was to love you and Jisoo, that's not being selfish. If there's anyone who is selfish here, it's you." Oh great and now she has the audacity to blame me for that.

"You wanna break up right? Then fine, let's break up cause I'm done with you. Take all your things and fucking leave now." She suddenly had a worried look on her face when I said that. I mentally rolled my eyes, for sure she wasn't even expecting me to make her leave.

"No- wait Lisa, w-we can work this out. I-I promise I won't hurt you again, I won't go back to Jisoo. I'll stay Lis, just please let me fix this." She said between her sobs. She's manipulating me again, but I won't let her use me again this time. 

"There's nothing to fix Jennie. The damage is done, just fucking leave before I drag you out of this flat." I said firmly as I ignore her crying figure. She slowly stands up and made her way to the door. But before she leaves, she looks back at me and I just gave her a cold stare. Showing her that I don't wanna deal with all her bullshits anymore.

She silently went out and close the door. I felt like a weight has been lifted on my shoulder when she left. I don't feel hurt or pain and I don't even feel numb at all. Maybe breaking things off with her is better for the both us. Yes, a part of me still loves her but not as deep as before. I finally learned my lesson, I just hope that she will too and won't be coming back for Jisoo, because she clearly hurt the girl too.


Jisoo's POV

Me and my Rosie are currently cuddling on the couch in my flat while watching a movie. Yes you read that right, "my Rosie". We started dating a few months back and when I asked her to be my girlfriend, she gladly said yes. Not gonna lie, I am much more happy when Chaeng became a part of my life.

"Chu? What's wrong? You've been spacing out." She asked worriedly as she lifted her head from my shoulder. I just smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"It's nothing Chae. I just thought that, I am so lucky to have you in my life." I saw her cheeks turned a bit red as she hid her face on my chest. I laughed a bit and lifted her head to face me.

"It's true tho, I've never been this happy till I met you." I pecked her lips as I hugged her close to my body and we continued watching the movie. Not a little longer, I heard a loud knock on my door. Confused, I got up to see who would be knocking at this hour. 

I opened the door and there appeared Jennie, standing on my doorstep. She pulled me towards her and hugged me tight, I looked at her and realized that she has been crying since she got here.

"Jennie what are you doing here? I thought you're with Lisa?" I asked and that made her cried harder. I don't know what happened between them but I'm sure they're not in a good condition right now.

"Jisoo I'm sorry I chose Lisa over you, I'm sorry I left you. Please take me back, I swear I still love you. Let me fix us please." I gave her a confused looked and detached myself from our hug. Is she serious about that? I sigh and said, "You should go home Jen, Lisa might be waiting for you. I don't know what happened but you can't just barged in here and beg me to take you back."

"No Jis, I regret that, really. Lisa and I already broke up I-

"Jennie you can't just play with other people and break up with them, and you can't just come back to me like nothing happened and expect me to accept you. I'm not an option Jen. I know what you're going through right now is hard but you should go home." She was about to speak but before she can, Chae appeared beside me and look at the both of us with confusion.

"Jisoo? Why are you taking so long?" Chae asked me innocently. Jennie had a confused look on her face, oh yeah, she haven't met her yet.

"Umm Jennie, this is Chaeyoung my girlfriend." She had dried tears on her face and still had a confused look. I feel bad for her, maybe she's still expecting me to wait for her even if she's already in a relationship with someone else.

"I-I should get going. Sorry for the inconvenience." She bowed a little and slowly walked away from us. Chaeyoung and I went back to the living room to continue what we were doing earlier. We talked for a bit about Jennie, because she didn't know her as well. 

"You don't have to worry about her Chae, she's in the past. What matters is you, and us." I gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her lips, telling her how much I love her through the kiss. She smiled in return and snuggled into me. I hugged her tight and not a little longer we fell asleep while in each other's arms.


A/N: I have the other requests on my drafts, I'll update again, as soon as I finished :>

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