Billie Eilish

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Jennie: Liliiiii!!!

Lisa: Yes baby?

Jennie: Can we go to Billie's concert? Pleaseeeeee??

Lisa: No.

Jennie: Why not?

Lisa: I don't like her.

Jennie: *rolls her eyes* and why is that?

Lisa: Nothing. I just don't like her.

Jennie: ugh

Jisoo: Don't be dumb Jendeukie. Of course Lisa doesn't like Billie Eilish. Cause as far as I remember, you posted a picture with her with the caption "My crush ❤"

Jennie: pft- so in short, Lili is jealous.

Lisa: No I'm not. Why would I be jealous of that kid?

Jennie: Umm, cause she's cool, and she's talented plus she's young and oh! Not to mention she even told me that she would take me for herself if I weren't single.

Lisa: Is that so? Okay then. Go date her. *walks out*

Jennie: Wha- Hey Lili! I was just kidding!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god I can't believe you fell for it.

Lisa: ...

Jennie: Awww, is my baby Lili mad at me? I'm sorry Lili. *pouts and kiss Lisa's cheeks*

Lisa: Dammit!

Jennie: Hihi, I love you my Lili. Can we go to Billie's concert please?

Lisa: Fine. You're lucky I love you my Nini

Jennie: I love you too my Lili

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