Jendeuk's Birthday

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Jennie, Jisoo and Chaeyoung celebrated Jennie's birthday for the night after their practice in the dance studio. Of course they had fun but Jennie can't get Lisa out of her mind since she's been gone for the whole day because she had a photoshoot for NONA9ON.

All she wanted for her birthday is Lisa's presence, nothing more, nothing less. But she guessed that Lisa won't be able to come on time, since it's almost 3am in the morning and they already cleaned their mess.

Jennie is already in her bed trying so hard to sleep, when she felt two arms wrapped around her waist. She already recognized who it was by the addicting smell of the person's perfume and the warmth that she has been feeling.

Lisa: Happy Birthday Nini.

Jennie smiled from what she heard and felt butterfly kisses on her neck. She turned her body towards Lisa, and smiled at her.

Lisa: I'm sorry I just got home right now.

Jennie: It's fine Lisa. What matters is you're here now.

Lisa smiled at her and got up. She took something out of her pocket and gave it to Jennie.

Jennie: What is this?

Lisa: Why don't you open it, so you can find out.

Jennie opened the box and saw a pendant necklace that has Lisa's name on it and at the back of it had carvings that says "I love you". She smiled at the gift and let her tears of joy fall freely.

Lisa: I have one too.

Lisa said and showed Jennie the necklace around her neck with Jennie's name on it.

Jennie: Thank you Lisa. You know you didn't have to give me gifts like this, cause I feel like I'm being a spoiled princess.

Lisa laughed at the thought and shake her head playfully.

Lisa: You're not just a princess Jennie. You're my lady.

Jennie blushed at Lisa's words, but that didn't stop her to lean forward and close the gap between them. Feeling the warmth and comfort as they taste each other's lips.

As for Jennie, this is definitely the most wonderful birthday she ever had.

Simple but memorable



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