Hugs and Kisses

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Jennie: Lisa-yahhhhhhh!!

Lisa: *comes running down on the stairs* Yes Nini??

Jennie: *in baby voice* Can we cuddle pweeeaaasseeee?

Lisa: Aish Nini, I thought it was an emergency or something.

Jennie: But this is an emergency. I want hugs and kisses from you.

Lisa: *smiles and made her way on the couch* Alright love, now c'mere.

Jennie: *snuggles closer to her* I wuv u Lili

Lisa: I wuv u too Nini. *gives her tons of kisses and hugs her tight*


Meanwhile, on the other side of the room. .

Chaeyoung: Chu? Why can't you be sweet like Lisa?

Jisoo: *playing games* What do you mean? I'm sweet in my own way, and you know that.

Chaeyoung: Sure you are eonnie. *smiles to herself while looking at the ring on her finger*

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