I love you (The End)

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April 30, 2021

It's been a year now since that tragedy happened and it's still fresh from my mind. You passed out, me and your parents rushed you to the hospital so they can treat you again.

So here we are, me, sitting beside you, and you, laying beside me. I'm still staring and admiring your features. What can I say? I will never get tired of your face, and I will never get tired of loving you. I still have the letter you gave me, and I'm currently reading it right now.

To Lili,

Hey! How are you my monkey? I still can't get tired of calling you monkey from time to time. But anyway, I think this will be a short letter, cause I don't really write one. You know how I hate writing letters and essays when we were in high school. Let's get to the main point. This will be a letter from me to you, I'm writing this letter, so that I can apologize for everything that I have ever done wrong to you, even hurting your feelings. I'm really sorry about that Lili, but I think you already know the reason, so I won't be explaining it anymore. I also am writing this letter, to tell you about my feelings. Remember the night at the Ferris Wheel? Where you cofessed? And remember when you gave me the necklace for my birthday, and keep on telling me how much you love me? Well, I lied to you Lisa. I was doing it for you, I don't want you to love me, and I told you that I can't love you. But I never said that I don't love you my Lili. God knows how much I wanted to tell you that I love you too, and I guess I will end my letter here cause I can't keep up anymore. I'm crying right now you know that? Who am I kidding? Of course you won't know, because by the time that you are reading this, I'm already gone.

I'm sorry if I left you Lisa. Maybe some other time, or some other life, we both can have a chance to love each other. Always remember. .

I love you Lisa, my monkey, my Limario, my Lili.

Til' we meet again.


After reading Jennie's letter, I can't help but to cry infront of her. But yeah, I promise you Nini, in some other life, I will find you, I will meet you, I will love you and I will never let you go this time.

I stood up from where I sat and stared at her frame. .

Jennie Kim
January 16, 1996
April 30, 2020

"Til' we meet again Jennie."

The End


A/N: Hey guys! Here's a long shot for Jenlisa. I'm sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, I've been very busy lately. But since classes are suspended, I might update from time to time. Stay Safe everyone! ≧∇≦

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