Listen before I go

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A/N: Since ya'll are asking for a "Wish you were Gay Part 2" well here it is 😊

Jennie's POV

I'm stupid. I am so fucking stupid. Why? Because I hurt the person I love the most and yeah it's Lisa. I know it seems shocking that "I love her" cause last time I checked she confessed to me a week ago but I told her I was straight and I have a boyfriend which is Kai, but goddammit!! I didn't realize that I was wrong, that I chose the wrong person.

"Ugh! Lisa pick up the damn phone!" I'm getting frustrated by the fact that Lisa hasn't come home since yesterday and I know that it's my fault on why she's going MIA.

"Eonnie I think you should calm down, our manager is already looking for her and let's just hope that she's safe." Chaeyoung tried to calm me down but she failed. I kept walking back and forth in our living room thinking of where could she be. Just as I thought, I suddenly remember our meet up place whenever we want to relax and chill. I immediately took my jacket and went outside, not minding Chaeyoung and Jisoo eonnie calling my name.

I walked outside our unit and made my way to Han River. It's not really far from where we live and also I know that Lisa goes there whenever she misses her family or she's feeling down.

As I arrived at Han River, I saw a silhouette not far from where I'm standing. I approached the figure cause I'm a hundred percent sure that it's Lisa because of her long wavy hair and bangs covering her forehead. I stood beside her and look at the direction where she's looking, she is in deep thoughts, and her eyes are a bit swollen from crying.

I was about to speak when she interrupted me.

"Do you still remember the first day we met? We were still trainees at that time, and we're at YG Cafeteria. I was unfamiliar with the food they were serving and you noticed that, you help me on choosing what to eat and you accompany on eating our late night dinner."

"Y-Yeah I remember that" I stuttered a bit, I don't really know what to say because her voice is very cold, not the usual.

"How about when I first treated you with Milk flavored ice cream? Or that time when we always go shopping, sometimes we stayed at home watching random movies, the time when we finally debuted, our sweet endearments, we always take a picture of us, just the two of us. The times where we cuddle, saying sweet things to each other, kissing each other even if it's just on the cheeks, our exchange of I love you's. Do you still remember all of that?"

She stop for a while and sighed. "There are a lot of reasons why I fell inlove with you, but those are the main reasons. I've been giving you hints and I thought you felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong. Scratch that!! I am wrong! I was wrong about myself, I was wrong about you and I was wrong about us. I didn't even knew that you were dating him in the first place. Why? Because I was blinded by my love for you, hoping and assuming that you also love me back, even if I know that you can never return my feelings."

I was speechless, it feels like everything just sinked in. I look at her and to my surprise, she's looking back at me. "Lisa, I was wrong. I'm sorry I didn't realized it sooner, but I love you too. I really really love you." I tried to reach out for her hand but she refuse me to hold her.

"Jennie, don't make this hard for yourself. Just because I love you, doesn't mean you have to love me back. You already have Kai, and me? I'll try my best to move on. It'll take time for me to do it, but at least I'll heal along the way."

She stepped forward and cupped my cheeks with her one hand, she kissed my forhead, as a sign of respect and looked at me as if it's her last time. "I love you Jennie Kim, forever and always." As she said her last words, she slowly let go of me and finally walked away. My eyes became blurry and the next thing I knew, I'm already crying as I watch her leave me and gone into the busy streets of Seoul.

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