I love you (Part 3)

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Novermber 18, 2017

I'm currently at Kim's residence right now waiting for Jennie. I finally asked her out on a date and this will be the day that I will confess my true feelings for her. I won't be hesitating and think twice anymore. Since there's been a rumor that someone from the varsity players wanted to date her, I figured that maybe the only way to stop her from going out with that jock is to confess my feelings and I wish it would work.

After a few minutes of waiting, she finally went down from the stairs and approached me.

"Can you remind me of our whereabouts again? Cause Ms. Manoban, I won't be going out with you not until you tell me where we're heading." She crossed her arms, while shaking her head and smiling a little. I find it cute though. No scratch that! Everything about her is cute and beautiful, that's why I fell for her charms.

"It should be a secret, but fine I'll tell you. We're going to the carnival." I said that made her excited and pulled me out of the door with her and went inside my car. I drove to our destination hoping that this night will go well.


It's been 5 hours straight since we got here and we've been playing and goofing around nonstop. Of course I bought her a lot of food and won her a plushie that she likes, even though she refused and insisted that she'll be the one to pay. But nothing can resist me and she can't do anything about it.

It's passed 7pm now and we decided to ride the Ferris wheel and take a rest. Once we're on board, silence engulfed us once again, she's admiring the view of the city and here I am, staring at her, studying her features and admiring her this close. She must've noticed that I'm staring at her cause she suddenly look at my direction. We stared at each other for god knows how long, it's like the both of us are waiting if one of us will break the silence, until I did.

"Jennie, I've been wanting to tell you something." I told her, still staring at her brown orbs, and there she is, still seating infront of me, waiting for me to continue. It's now or never.

I took a deep breath before I speak again.

"Jennie, I know you still remember the first time that we met. That time, you made me realized things, you gave me an advice like you care a lot for me. That first time is also the time that I first laid my eyes on you. You were right about the girl that I used to like. It is just pure infatuation, but my feelings for you isn't. These past 3 years of being friends with you, I fell in deep love for you, I never confess that time because I told myself that I will only confess to you at the right place, at the right time and at the right moment, and this is the right moment Jennie. I always wanted to let you know, that I love you. It's okay if you still don't want to answer me with the same thing right now, I will be willing to wait for you Jen, I promise." After I confessed, I took both of her hands and kissed the top of it. I looked at her, hoping that she feels the same way, but she looked at me with sad eyes and what she said is like a jab to my heart.

"I-I'm sorry Lisa. I don't love you like the way you do. I only love you as my friend, as my sister. I'm really sorry if I can't reciprocate your feelings." She averted her gaze at me and looked down at her lap.

"Like what I've said earlier Jennie, I'm willing to wait. I promise I will wait for you to love me back, that I will wait for you to say those 3 words." I told her, still hoping that she'll give me a chance, but I guess I'm wrong.

"I'm really sorry Lisa, I can't love you like how you love me. You'll only be wasting your love and time if you waste it on me." She told me with sad eyes. I was about to speak to her again, but the ferris wheel has come to an end. The doors opened and that's her cue to get out and run off just to avoid me. I also got out, but she's already gone.


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