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School finally ended and Itachi was walking with Deidara to pick up Sasuke and Naruto to drive them both home. Since Naruto was sleeping over tonight. It was a Friday night so it was okay. "Hey should we tell Sasuke?" Deidara asked quietly. Itachi shook his head no. "No. I don't usually share my personal information with him. Plus he'll warn him. We don't want that." Itachi quietly responded after making sure no one was around. They were currently standing by there lockers.

After they both had there books. They left. "I'm going to find Sasori. I'll come by later then." Deidara said leaving. Itachi wanted back and turned to look for his brother and friend.

Itachi walked into the library and immediatly find his brother and Naruto. They were both laughing at something. This time Sasuke's girl friend was with them. He walked up to the table they were all at. "Hello. Naruto was facing away from Itachi but Sasuke and Hinata was facing him. He saw Sasuke and Hinata look up at him while Naruto kept his head down. Itachi mentally kept a note of this. "Will you be joining us Hinata?" Itachi asked politely. "Yes she is."Sasuke answered rudely. "Calm down brother. It was just a mere question. You have to find something to tell mother and father if she's staying the night. I won't be there to cover for you. I'll be out tonight." Itachi said calmly.

Sasuke's eyes rose in shock. "Are you going on a date?" He asked. This shocked Itachi a lot. 'So it was Sasuke who gave the boy my number.' Itachi thought to himself. He smiled softly at Sasuke. "No. Just going out with a few friends." He answered. He took notice that was Naruto tense when the word date was mentioned as was Hinata. The moment he said no they relaxed again. "Shall we go?" Itachi asked as he kept an eye on Naruto's behavior discreetly.

All three of the sophomores rose from there seats and grabbed there things as they followed Itachi out to his black Ferrari. It had black leather interior with red stitched lining. As they entered. Sasuke who usually sat shotgun sat in the back with his girlfriend Hinata leaving Naruto to sit shotgun this time. The car was only a four seater.

"Sasuke who the sudden interest in my love life?" Itachi asked making eye contact with his brother through the rear view mirror. Sasuke glared at him and only hn'ed. "Say Naruto, Hinata. Do either of you know?" He asked again. "I was just curious that's all. Damn. Itachi let it go." Sasuke snapped. Itachi just chuckled at him irritating Sasuke even more. "I know. I was just teasing." He responded back. "Hinata? Does your family know you're coming with us home?" Itachi asked. "Or do I have to make a call?" Hinata shook her head. "I told them this morning." She answered quietly. He nodded.

Itachi looked to Naruto who was looking down at his lap quietly starring at his phone. "Do your parents know? Naruto?" Itachi asked again in the same tone. "Uh-h n-.." Naruto tried to say until Sasuke spoke up for him. "No they don't. We need to stop by there plus he needs to grab some clothes... Oh and could you tell them he's staying the weekend?" Sasuke said. Itachi chuckled. "Okay." Itachi didn't say more although he was dieing to. He wanted to know why Sasuke always alone for Naruto and when he was finally going to hear from the boy himself. He was interrupted by his brother.

He soon pulled up to the Namikaze house. He never understood why Naruto's parents gave there son the mother's maiden name instead of the father's. He got it along with the other three kids and walked up to the door. Naruto leading the way.


Itachi's phone went off suddenly. This caught all three of the teens attention. "Who's that?" Sasuke asked. "Probably Deidara texting me the information about tonight. He's planning the whole thing." Itachi answered. "Why the sudden curiosity Sasuke? And I'm serious this time. Why are you so interested?" He asked. Right before Sasuke could answer Kushina opened the door. "Hello!" Welcome to my humble abode! Come in. Come in." She said causing Sasuke to let it a breath of air. 'Saved this time.' he thought to himself. Thought Sasuke just wanted to know if his brother was actually single or of he was going to friend zone Naruto. That would crush Naruto's heart.

They entered and Itachi was led into the kitchen while the others went to help Naruto pack.


"You have to be more discreet Sasuke! You almost got us caught!" Naruto whispered as he closed his door as Hinata sat on his bed while he and Sasuke packed some clothes for the weekend. "Yes I agree Sasuke. This is delicate. You know how smart Itachi is. He could easily find out it was us and who it is if we're not careful." Hinata said. Sasuke blew out a breath of air. "Yes I know. It's hard though. He's a lot smarter then we give him credit for. We have to be on top of everything from now on. So he doesn't find out. At least before you want him to that is Naruto." Sasuke said. "No not yet. He sent seem interested at all. I'm like in the friend zone right now. I wanna make sure he likes me before I tell him." Naruto said. As he finished.

...Itachi watched them go up the stairs to pack. "Kushina. It is okay with you if we take Naruto for the weekend? We'll take good care of him. We promise. You know how protective Sasuke is." Itachi asked. Kushina smiled. See she knew all about her son's crush on the older Uchiha after all it was her idea texting him without him having Naruto's number back. "Yes it's perfectly fine with me Itachi. I know you'll take care of him. As long as you come back for dinner." She joked laughing. Itachi smiled and laughed a little too. "Sure thing Kushina." He said as he saw the three teens come down. He kept his eye on Naruto though.

Kushina saw this. So she knew Naruto had messed up a bit if Itachi was already looking towards him as the random texter. She also knew she couldn't say anything with Itachi around and she couldn't text her son either. She just had to hope Sasuke was aware of Itachi's suspicions. She also didn't see and look of distaste in his eyes as he glanced at her son either. So she wasn't sure she wanted to interfere with the situation either. 'I hope he treats my son well.' she thought.

*************************************** Uh oh! Sasuke blew it. Itachi is getting closer to finding out who it is. He already has suspicious about Naruto! Do you think they'll find out that Itachi is looking for him?

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