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They arrived back at the Uchiha Mansion and Naruto reached inside to hide his shame. He found out Sasuke told Itachi to do what he did. He felt betrayed and humiliated and the fact that Itachi did it made it worse. "Dope? I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't have asked him to do that. It's just......I don't know Naruto. I'm sorry please. Please forgive me." Sasuke begged through the bathroom door.

Naruto was silently crying on the other side of the bathroom door with his knew to his chest and face buried in them. "Move Sasuke." Itachi said opening the door easily and slipping inside. You see there are no locks on the doors except for the bedroom doors. Itachi knelt down to Naruto's level and pulled his head up to meet his own gaze.

"Naruto. Forgive me. I didn't really been to cause you pain. Please." Itachi said quietly looking at him showing Naruto the truth with his eyes. Naruto blushed easily forgiving him. "It's ok..." He whispered very quietly almost inaudible. Itachi smiled. "However my little brother is a different story. He sounded desperate for my help with you. What do you have on him that he begged me for help?" Itachi asked amused. Naruto grinned evilly. "I have a voice recording of him and Hinata having sex. She totally dominates him in bed. He's a total bottom.  Submissive. Hehehehe. Hinata is dominant. Hehehe." Naruto whispered clearly quietly laughing making Itachi laugh to. "Well if it helps your conscience. The recording he now has has my voice on there too. That'll ruin my reputation in everyone's eyes if that gets out. I can't have that. So partners in crime? Give me the recording and I'll lot it away somewhere for later use. And hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on the one he has." Itachi said smiling evilly to Naruto who smiled back. "Yes. Deal. I'll send it to you later. I have it on my phone." Naruto said.

"We'll have to plug it in and I'll put it on a CD downloaded from your phone. Later. He owes me a favor now so I'm going to use it. To get that recording back." Itachi said smiling at Naruto.

'knock knock knock'

"Guys? What're you doing in there?" Sasuke said from outside the door. Itachi gave Naruto a look. "Play along?" He whispered to him which got a head nod back. Itachi hoisted Naruto up and pinned him to the wall. "Go with it. Moan my name. He'll leave that way." Itachi said quietly. Naruto looked confused at him. "How?" He asked. Itachi rolled his hips into Naruto's and this caused sweet friction between the two boys. Naruto's cock sprang to life at the feel of Itachi pressing into him. He kept rolling his hips until he got the moan he needed to make Sasuke leave. "Ngh..oh god Itachi...ahh..." Naruto said shamelessly.

Outside the door Sasuke turned red and immediatly left hearing the moaning from the bathroom. In which Mikoto got on camera. You see Itachi asked for her help in getting the black mail video of Naruto back for Naruto. She agreed easily since Itachi wanted to help Naruto.

She walked to the bathroom once she saw Sasuke in his room with the door shut. "Boys. It's safe. I have it." She said.

"Thanks mother." Itachi said but he didn't want to stop. He kept rolling his hips as he want just as hard as Naruto was. "We'll be there soon mother." Itachi said while he listened to her leave.

"Naruto. Shit." Itachi finally lost his composure. Naruto was shocked that Itachi kept up and when he cursed he was even more shocked. "Itachi..." Naruto moaned out quietly. "Shh.  Not so loud. We may want Sasuke to hear us but not my mom. She'll never let us live it down...mmm.." Itachi said with great struggle. He let a groan slip through. "please Tachi. Touch me." Naruto whispered. So he did.

..... Since time later

Itachi pulled away smirking at Naruto and the mess he made. "That was more then earlier Naruto.  Anyway let's get changed and meet downstairs for dinner." Itachi said to Naruto who was shaking from his orgasm and blushed. Still not being able to form correct words to his crush despite what just happened. He just nodded instead.

They both left the bathroom after Naruto fixed himself up to head to they're respective rooms to change there clothes and fix them selves up. However Sasuke was waiting in his own room to interrogate Naruto on what happened in the bathroom.

"Well. Spill!" Sasuke demanded very curious and even a bit excited.


Well what you missed was. A bj from Naruto to Itachi and then some foreplay from Itachi and a kiss to Naruto.

That's it. Good? Bad? Comment you thoughts please. Don't be a silent reader okay?

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