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They arrived at Deidara's house and Itachi stopped the car. Naruto and Sasuke both got it and followed him inside. "Hey Itachi! You brought company? Dude!" Deidara said confused. "Yes. Dad was mad so they came with me. Did you start without me?" Itachi asked smirking. This caught Sasuke and Naruto both off guard seeing Itachi smirk like that. Deidara smirked back. "Yes we did just a bit. You took to long. Drinks in the fridge. There's some juice in there too if you want to give something to them. Did they eat?" Deidara asked.

Itachi nodded. "You have snacks and games or something for them? And anything besides juice? Dei there not five." Itachi said laughing a bit. Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and just stayed behind Itachi not knowing what to do. "Woah. Itachi. You should've said you'd bring the kids." Sasori said.

Itachi laughed. "There not kids guys." He said. "Well bring em in here then. We'll include em then. But they're not drinking with us." He said. "Sasori mah man. I love you and all but I don't want Mrs Uchiha or Mrs Uzumaki to kill me for them being included in drinking games with us. Or around alcohol man." Deidara said. This caused Sasuke and Naruto's eyes to pop out of there heads.

"Drinking!?" Sasuke asked with wide eyes. "Yes little brother. Please keep quiet about it." Itachi asked nicely. "Okay you said you doing party but you drink?!" Sasuke asked again. "Nope. This guy here is still a virgin. Seriously he needs to get laid. Took us forever to get him to finally break a little rule and drink with us." Deidara said joking. "Your brother here is a happy drunk Sasuke so don't worry. And yes please do not tell anyone please. Blame us if you wanna blame anyone." Sasori said again. Naruto looked at them and nodded. "O- okay. We'll k-k-keep quiet if we c-c-can join you please?" Naruto said. Sasuke nodded. "Please big brother?" Sasuke asked pleaded with Itachi to agree.

Itachi sighed "Okay. But don't tell anyone and we'll stay the night here then." Naruto and Sasuke both smiled wide. Itachi had to look away from them for them not to see Itachi's slightly reddened cheeks when he saw Naruto's smile. However Deidara and Sasori saw it though. Deidara started grinning like a fool because of it. "Well let's drink!" He shouted. Itachi went to get drinks. He got wine coolers for Sasuke and Naruto and a soda with three shot glasses for him and his two friends.

Deidara brought out the tequila and captain Morgan and vodka. All 80 proof. "Ready to get shit faced Itachi?" He asked grinning. Itachi smirked. "You'll be drunk before me." Sasori laughed. "I'm going to beat all of you." Itachi laughed. Ask three seniors sat at a table. Deidara was pouring the shots. Itachi motioned for both boys to sit down. Sasuke pushed Naruto to the seat next to Itachi as he sat on the other side of Naruto. Naruto blushed as Itachi opened his and Sasuke's wine cooler.

"Here. This is better for you guys then straight alcohol." Itachi said. "Oh come on Itachi. We were drinking since freshman year. Let them live a little." Deidara spilled. "Freshman year! What the hell Itachi?" Sasuke said. Itachi sighed "Fine. But don't say anything to any adults that I let you drink." He said before getting two more shot glasses and placed them in front of Deidara. "Let's play kings cups. Sasori get the cards."

Three hours later Deidara was full on drunk Sasori was buzzed. Itachi was buzzed as well. "I'm taking them in the living room Sasori." Itachi said before grabbing Sasuke and Naruto's arms gently and dragging then to the couches where he saw Sasuke pull out his phone. "Nope! Bad idea little brother. Never ever drunk text anyone. It will end badly for you and me. Did you text or do anything on your phone since you started drinking?" Itachi asked Sasuke. Sasuke shook his head no. "He didn't Itachi I was watching him. I didn't either. I promise." Itachi smiled as he pocketed his brothers phone. Sasuke pouted and sat down. "Go to sleep Sasuke. I can see your fighting it. Here drink some water first though. It'll help you not throw up. Then sleep." Itachi said handing him see water then pacing a trash can next to the couch with a few blankets. Sasuke downed the water then did as his brother said and soon enough he passed out.

Itachi sat down on the opposite couch bringing Naruto with him. "Naruto. Now that everyone's either passed out drunk or busy. Can I ask you something?" Itachi asked holding him around the waist. Naruto blushed and turned and faced Itachi placing his hands on Itachi's chest. "Sure." He purred. He was more comfortable with him now that he's drunk. Itachi pulled him into his lap placed his hands on Naruto's waist bring him closer. He brought his lips closer to Naruto's ear and whispered. "Why do you stutter around me even right now you're being the opposite of shy." Naruto's breathing stopped momentarily. Itachi kissed his neck causing Naruto's heart to speed up and mind to haze over.

"Wow Naruto. I only kissed you and you're already a mess..." Itachi said seductively staring at Naruto.

He started rubbing circles on his hips causing a blush to form on Naruto's cheeks. Naruto finally somehow got the courage and slammed his lips to Itachi's and kissed him roughly. Itachi's tongue slithered it's way into Naruto's mouth and fought with Naruto's for dominance which obviously won. They kept at it for a good ten minutes before pulling away.

"Hey Itachi. I'm taking Deidara up to the room. Make yourself comfy. The spare bedroom is ready of you want to use it." Sasori said carrying a passed out Deidara with him. Naruto grabbed into Itachi's hair and pulled causing Itachi to groan in pain. "Itachi." Naruto whispered in need. Itachi flipped them both so Naruto was laying in the couch and he was on top. Naruto tried to pull him back in to a kiss but Itachi pulled away. He was panting hard so was Naruto. Pain Flashed across Naruto's face.

Itachi caressed his face and smiled softly. "I can't do anything to you. You're drunk. Wait till your sober okay Naruto. I won't take advantage of you this way." He said softly before pecking his lips one more time and getting up to leave. "Goodnight Naruto." Itachi said before heading to the guest bedroom.

"Wow. Didn't expect to see that." Sasuke said wide awake causing Naruto to jump a mile. "I didn't think he would do anything like that. Who knew. He liked you back." He said. Naruto blushed. "I...I..." He tried to form words but couldn't. "That was hot as hell but gross as hell to watch at the same time. Man your never living this down." Sasuke said smirking evilly. "Shut up! Don't you dare say anything got it fat mouth!" Naruto said in embarrassment.


Itachi headed up stairs and passed by Sasori and Deidara's room. "Hey Itachi." Called Sasori. "Hmm?" He hummed. "You trying to blow everything?" Deidara asked. Itachi looked confused. Deidara sighed. "Making out with Naruto while Sasuke watches? Really!" Deidara asked.

Itachi was floored. "He what?!" He asked. "I thought he was sleeping." He Finished. "Well he saw the whole thing according to Sasori." Deidara said. "Damnit. I hope this doesn't now my cover." Itachi said sighing at his lack of restraint.

"Drunk you is stupid. I swear Itachi." Deidara said shaking his head. "Thank you god he didn't record it. I took his phone before I started." Itachi muttered.

"Well let's hope you didn't just blew everything out of the water." Sasori said. Itachi nodded and then headed off to the spare bedroom and soon crashed hoping he didn't just fuck everything up. This is why he didn't want them around him while drinking.


Hope you like it. Comment and vote please. 😎

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