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Naruto and Sasuke both have down to dinner only to see two shots left. One on either side of Itachi. Naruto swallowed in a nervous habit. Itachi only smiled at if nothing happened. 

As they both sat down they grabbed there plates of food and waited to be and to eat. "We waited for you boys. What you so long?" Fugaku asked curiously. Naruto blushed. "I needed to change my clothes. I got them dirty." He whispered in embarrassment. You see Mikoto want the only one to notice Naruto's crush on the older Uchiha. He knew right then that he wanted to express Itachi so that's why he let the topic go. "Well let's eat." Mikoto said enthusiastically. Every one was eating but Naruto was picking at his food not wanting to look like a pig in front of Itachi.

"Naruto why aren't you eating?" Itachi asked making everyone look to him causing a blush to appear. "Umm just well I'm not that hungry right now." He said quietly. "Nonsense boy. You're going to eat all your food. Even if I have to force it down your throat." Mikoto said gently. Naruto blushed and smiled at her a little.

Dinner went on in silence and Naruto was eating but slowly. He didn't want to seem like a pig in front of Itachi. After a little while it ended and Naruto had eaten only half of his food.

"Okay boys! Go wash up and get to bed. It's Monday tomorrow and you have school." Mikoto said enthusiastically. Sasuke groaned which caused Itachi to give him a pointed look.

(The boys are be in bed by now)

Itachi ❤️

Number 1 fan
Hey! Haven't talked
in a while!

Itachi ❤️
It's only been a day.

Number 1 fan
Ok but still.
I hope to see you
tmrw. You always look
Amazing in what you
wear. 😜😘

Itachi ❤️
🤭 Do you do this
I'm flattered you
think that. 😊
Wish I could tell
you the same thing
But I don't know
what you look like.
😥 Will you
ever tell me?

Number 1 fan
Idk. If I can tell you.
You'll probably friend
zone me...😞😢
I couldn't handle that.
I like 💓 you 2 much

Number 1 fan
Yes. I do btw.

Itachi ❤️
Well okay then.
I don't think that's
the case. Why would I
friend zone you?

Number 1 fan
🤷🏼‍♂️ Just cuz. Your will.
Ik it.

Itachi ❤️
I guess I'll
just have to wait

Number 1 fan
I really really
like you. 😍😘
But I am scrid
you won't like me.

Itachi ❤️
Why wouldn't I?

Number 1 fan
U just won't.

Number 1 fan
Hey it's my bed time.
Gtg. By. 👋

Itachi ❤️
Bye. And okay.
I'll be here tomorrow
then. 🙋🏻‍♂️

Naruto broke down crying after that. Sasuke immediately woke hearing silent sobbing and hugged his best friend. "Hey what happened?" Sasuke asked softly. "I am afraid he doesn't like me." Naruto said quietly. "Did he say that?" Sasuke asked softly again hugging his best friend. Naruto only broke down crying even harder more loudly this time. "No b-but. I don't think he does. I'm just a toy to him I know it." Naruto stuttered out quietly. Sasuke tisked. "If he didn't say that then don't think it. Unless he says it. It's possible her likes you. It's not like Itachi to just use people." Sasuke said

"What about the things we did?" Naruto said. "It might not be a one time thing. You never know." Sasuke tried to convince him. "Or he did it in the heat of the moment." Naruto said. "Maybe. You'll never know unless you keep texting him. Find out. I still have that video. It could ruin him." Sasuke said. "But it'll make me look like a slut. Sasuke promise you won't use it or let anyone get it. Please?!" Naruto begged.

"I promise Naruto. I'll be careful with it." Sasuke said. "We should go to bed before anyone wakes up. " Sasuke finished.
Naruto nodded and they both got ready for bed this time. Falling asleep quickly. Itachi was on the other side of the door as he heard Naruto's crying he got up and went to see but heard then talking and listened.

Itachi frowned at Naruto's thoughts about him. 'I'll change his mind.' he thought to himself. 'Oh God I hope no one gets a hold of that video. Everyone already thinks badly of me. They'll think even worse things about Naruto though and the fact that Sasuke has it will ruin him too. I need that video.' he thought with more urgency. And so he went to bed planning on how to get a hold of that video.


Well. What do you guys think? Leave your comments and vote. Please don't be a silent reader. I appreciate every comment and vote. Even if I don't say anything. I do. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. 😊

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