💬 16 part 2 💬

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The car ride was quiet since Naruto was dwelling in his own misery because he'd made a fool out of himself this morning infront of Itachi. He forced Sasuke to sit up front this time because he couldn't bare it as it was too embarrassing for him.

"All right. I'll see you two after school. If not before then." Itachi said as he got out of his car with Sasuke and Naruto behind him. "Hey Itachi! What's up man?" Deidara asked as he approached him. "Hello. Deidara. Good morning I see?" Itachi asked him locking his car walking to the school gates with Sasuke and Naruto slightly behind him. He knew they were listening and watching but this time he didn't mind. "Shut up you know it all!" Deidara snapped blushing. Itachi laughed at him. "Sasori did a number on you last night..." Itachi started but Deidara cut him off. "Itachi I swear if you don't keep your damn mouth shut I'll spill all your secrets." Deidara threatened.

Itachi smirked at him. "Like what? No one is around but my little brother and his best friend. It's still early." Itachi said checking his clock as well as the surrounding area. The time read 7:03 and school didn't start till 8:45. Itachi being the class president has to be at school by 7:15 to do some work that's why he's always early.

"Hmmm...well....I.... You know what? Fuck you!" Deidara said not being able to think of anything to threaten Itachi with. Itachi laughed. "Big brother? Can we stay with you in the office since it's still early and nothing is open?" Sasuke asked. Itachi nodded not even looking at him. "Deidara. Do you have the list I asked for?" Itachi asked. "Sakura Haruno, Kisame Hoshigaki, Suigetsu Hozuki, Kiba Inuzuka,  Kimimaru Kaguya, Ranmaru Kurosuki, Karin Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, Hidan and Kakazu. I couldn't remember there last names. But that's what I got for ya." Deidara answered.

Itachi nodded knowing Deidara changed a few things about the list but it didn't bother him because at least he could tell Hidan and Kakazu to keep an eye the Karin and suigetsu for him. Though he have to tell them about Naruto though and he was sure if he could trust them with the secret just yet.


Itachi looked down as did Deidara. "You got a text this early?" Deidara questioned thinking it was Naruto. Itachi nodded pulling out his phone.

Unknown number
Hey sexy.😘👀👅💦
Wanna fuck?


Unknown number
😑 The fuck is wrong
with you? You're
supposed to be a
play boy yet you
don't even have sex?!

Quit texting me.
I'll sue you for

Unknown number
Pulease 😉
Bitch. You
don't even
know who I am.

"This bitch really doesn't know how easy it is to find out who is texting? Really?" Deidara said. Naruto and Sasuke both froze on the spot. Itachi nodded. "Some people who are decent deserve there privacy and some don't. I'm going to track this person's ip address from there phone and find out who this is." Itachi said seething. "Big brother what happened? Who texted you? Can you really find out that easily?" Sasuke asked quietly afraid for the answer. Itachi nodded. "Yes I can. It doesn't take long either. A few minutes actually and I can easily do it from my computer. There's another secret admirer apparently but this one is different from the other one I have. I'm going to investigate who this is this time and look at just how they got my number. They messed with the wrong person." Itachi answered with venom in his voice. Deidara laughed. "Yeah. You don't want to get in his bad side. Trust me. It's dangerous." He said.

Naruto was still scared. 'Did Itachi already know who I am?' he thought. "If it's that easy why haven't you found out who the other boy is?" Sasuke asked curious. "As I stated before. Some people deserve there privacy. He  does because he isn't harassing me like this person just did." Itachi said still seething with anger. They accused him off being a Playboy, they stated he was stupid by not knowing who they were and they found his number which meant they stalked him. That in all was enough to have Itachi want to find them and ruin them for stalking him. Unlike Naruto who got his number from his brother. This person has to do some serious digging in order to find out.

"But what about the other boy. He has your number though..." Sasuke said not finishing his sentence do to Naruto's glare. "Yes but I am one hundred percent sure you gave them my number. I am also sure you don't know who this is considering your continuous questions and shocked demeanor." Itachi said seriously. Sasuke and Naruto both froze again. 'He knew? How much did he know?!' Naruto and Sasuke thought. "You know?!" Sasuke blurted out without thinking. Itachi nodded. "Your constant questions about him told me that much. Also the fact that he also told me he knows you as well." Itachi said keeping the rest to himself. He already said too much. He right now wanted to find out who this other person was.

As they entered the teachers lounge he went straight to the computer and did some digging. He entered the IP address of the phone and found out that they went to this school and was a sophomore as well. "Found you Uzumaki. Now who gave you my number....aha miss Haruno...how did she find. Never mind." Itachi said quietly but not to quietly. "U-u-uzumaki?" Naruto stuttered nervously. "Karin and Sakura. Sakura got my number from your phone Sasuke. It says she got it a while ago." Itachi said seriously before texting back.

Karin Uzumaki.
You got my number
from Sakura Haruno
about 6 months ago.

In which he never got a response. He only smirked as did Deidara. "Hn. She's scared now. She didn't expect you to find out so quickly did she. Though she kind of was asking for it bating you like that and trying hard to use you." Deidara said laughing. Itachi smirked again staring at his phone waiting for a response but never got one. "Let's confront her at lunch." Deidara suggested. Itachi smirked as he stated "Infront of the entire school. I'll print out her messages for the entire school to see just how desperate she sounded. One. She called me stupid. Two. She said I played around and had no morals. Three she's stalking me along with miss Haruno and they from what it showed had been doing that for around 6 months. I'm printing all of this. She's also bullying my other secret admirer and apparently a few other kids. This is the last straw. Stalking is harassment and a violation of the law. I deserve my privacy don't you think Sasuke? Do not give anyone else my number from now on and keep a good eye on your phone or keep a good lock code on it. Use your finger print or something." Itachi said getting back to printing the papers he needed.

"Isn't the other boy harassing you too considering he has your number and you didn't give him it?" Sasuke asked making sure Naruto won't get the same fate Karin is going to. "At first yes but he never accused me of such things to irratate me like she's doing. Besides I know you would never give just anyone my number. I trust you little brother and your judgement. If he wants to keep his identity a secret  then I'll respect that." Itachi said causing both boys to let out a sigh of relief.


You like it? Well I'm sorry it took so long to update. Been busy lately. But here I'ma try to get another update out tomorrow or maybe tonight. Vote. Comment. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your votes. It tells me you like my story and I appreciate all my readers. Without you guys I wouldn't be this popular even though it's not much I still have followers and that alone tells me I'm a decent writer and keeps me going. So thank you. Thank you so much. 😁😁😁😁
Btw I'm not sure how the whole hacking and tracking information thing works just going on what I think which is why I didn't elaborate on that. Lol not sure. Just going with it. Lol

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