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Itachi was beyond angry at this point. He headed straight for his car to find Sasuke standing waiting for him and Naruto. He approached him getting in the car without saying a thing. "Big brother? What about Naruto? Why are you angry?" Sasuke asked in a quiet voice. He was worried for his friend. "I don't know but Karin has my secret admirer somewhere and I'm going to find out where. You and Sakura will rescue him after I tell you the location. He wants his Identity to be kept a secret and so I'll respect that but make sure you tell him I would've come but he hasn't told me his name yet so I'll respect his privacy." Itachi said after a few deep breaths. He was beyond angry and he wanted to find Naruto as soon as possible. 

Sasuke started fuming as he heard this. He was going to make sure Karin pays for this. He silently thanked his brother for not trying to find out Naruto's name without his permission and to see the fact at how angry he was that he was missing warmed his heart. He was really starting to think Itachi really liked Naruto and their bathroom incident wasn't just a one time thing. "Well what about Naruto?" Sasuke asked. Itachi said "He's not here. I'll go to his house to look though...." Sasuke interrupted him. "No. If he's not here he must've went home. Probably a headache. I'll text him." Itachi played along and nodded.

"So what're you going to do?" Sasuke asked.


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Itachi was so close to throwing his phone. Sasuke looked to hous brother in curiosity. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. Just call Sakura. Tell her to meet you at our home around midnight." Itachi said. He called Deidara.

"Yea?" Deidara answered. "Have you found anything?" Itachi asked. Deidara chuckled. "I've got eyes on her house. No one's there. I'm looking through her phone records. Hidan hacked into the police security unit and got them. She's been contacting Orochimaru lately. Like frequently. Yesterday she called him twice and he called her 5 times in 24 hours. Dude this is creepy. The texts messages are about killing you know who and she's been dealing some type of drug shit. I think she's been taking some too. This shit is way outta control creepy." Deidara said in a voice of disgust. Itachi was shocked at this.

"Well keep them. Find out more. I'm going to see if I can pull some strings and have them both behind bars without this going viral. I want there location. Kakuzu and Hidan are good at tracking people. Get them on this now." Itachi said with urgency.

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