💬16 part 1💬

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Monday morning was bad.

(👀 You know it's going to be bad when everything starts like this ^^^^ not even sorry lmao)

Itachi was up and doing his early morning routine since it was 5:30. He was in the shower when someone walked in sleepily. The shower curtain was closed but Itachi heard this and quickly finished, turned off the water and grabbed his towel quickly wrapping it around his lower half. He stepped out of the shower seeing Naruto finish with his business eyes still half closed.

Itachi chuckled as Naruto hadn't seen him yet. Itachi leans against the wall near the sink and waited for him smirking at his cluelessness. He folded his arms and waited. As Naruto flushed And walked to the sink finally opening his eyes he saw a half naked dripping wet Itachi smirking at him leaning against the wall watching him with his arms folded on his chest.

He blushed immediately looking down to his feet. He felt petrified that he was so clueless as to not realize Itachi was showering. "You going to finish?" Itachi asked him still smirking. Naruto blushed harder and walked slowly to the sink and washed his hands quickly trying to get out of there to save some of his dignity. He couldn't help but look at Itachi's built body still dripping wet with a towel that hung loosely on his hips showing his v line.

He couldn't help the problem in his pants that was slowly starting to show. He was in only boxers and a t shirt so if he was horny it would easily show. He tried to get out of there quickly but couldn't find the towel to dry his hands. "Something wrong Naruto?" Itachi asked faking curiosity. Naruto blushed again.

'It seems all I ever do is blush and embarrass myself! Shit Naruto! Man up!'  "Yeah I've noticed that too. Your continuous reddened cheeks. Why is that?" Itachi said seriously now. Naruto was mortified. "I said that out loud!" He whispered. Itachi nodded staring at him with serious eyes. Naruto blushed redder then he ever has before and ran out of there hands still wet.

Naruto reached the bedroom slamming the door closed waking up Sasuke. "Dude! What the fuck!" Sasuke yelled furious that  he was woken up. "I'm an idiot Sasuke. I messed up!" Naruto said panicking. "Woah. Slow down what happened?" Sasuke asked sitting up. Naruto quickly retold what happened in the bathroom causing Sasuke to burst into laughter.

"Shut up teme! Stop laughing what do I do?" Naruto half yelled complaining. Sasuke started to say while still laughing a little. "First how can you not notice the water running..." "I was asleep! Leave it alone!" Naruto interrupted glaring at Sasuke. "Second you still have a problem down there. And thirdly I don't know. Keep texting him today. Distract him." Sasuke said still laughing. When he pointed out Naruto's problem Naruto blushed and crossed his legs ring to hide it. "I'll go and um take care of this now..." Naruto trailed off after Sasuke was done. He went ahead back to the forbidden door and opened it hoping to God no one else was in there.

He didn't see anyone so he went in and locked it this time. He won't to the shower and turned in the water and stopped and stepped in. He started to take care of his morning problem. "Yes...ngh.. Itachi yes...oh god please..." Naruto was mumbling to himself  while his eyes were closed and thinking of all the naughty things he wanted to do with the older Uchiha.

*Some time later*

He walked out of the bathroom only to find Itachi waiting outside the door smirking at him. "What was that that was happening in there? I heard my name Naruto." Itachi said smirking at him before walking in the bathroom to finish he morning duties. Naruto was red faced as he really to Sasuke's room to finish getting ready for school. He saw Sasuke was showered and dressed and ready for school as well. "What happened now? I swear if your not careful your going to accidentally spill your own secret Naruto." Sasuke said seeing Naruto's embarrassed look.

After that three boys hopped in the car getting ready to go to school.


I wanted to post this on one chapter but that's going to be a long chapter so I decided to split it up.

Enjoy. Comment. Vote. Please tell me how you like it. 😊 I enjoy reading your comments and love every vote.

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