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The car ride was quiet. As they pulled up to a red light Itachi pulled out his phone to see who texted.

Ok. So how's BBQ sound?

Sounds good. See
You at 6.

See ya then.

Itachi quickly texted looking up just in time for the light to turn green. He however noticed Naruto was slightly looking his way but still down at his lap. Itachi then looked in the rear view mirror and noticed Sasuke and Hinata watching him as well. Hinata quickly looked away but Sasuke however didn't. "Yes Sasuke?" Itachi asked. "I didn't say anything." He answered. "You don't have to." Itachi said. "Hn" Sasuke said before looking away.

Itachi looked at Naruto quickly. "Kushina invited all of us to dinner Sunday if that's okay with you." Itachi said. "Why'd you say that?" Sasuke asked. "It's his mother. I want to make sure he's okay with us coming over. It's his house not ours to intrude Sasuke." Itachi said glaring at Sasuke. "Well he said ok." He answered for Naruto again. "I asked him Sasuke. He needs to think for himself." Itachi said. Sasuke glared at his brother "hn".

"Naruto?" Itachi asked. Naruto nodded his head. Itachi sighed. "That's not an answer Naruto. Nodding your head to others can be offending. Since I know it's your personality I know better. But I need to hear a yes or no.  Or we're not coming. And does she mean our mother and father too or just me and Sasuke?" He asked again softly.

"Y-y-yes. J-just you a-an-and Sasuke." Naruto said quietly. Itachi smiled "Thank you for answering me." He said as he continued to drive. He wanted to pat him on the back but he didn't want to expose himself much like his brothers doing. So he refrained. He couldn't wait till tomorrow to find out it is really Naruto or it could be just his personality. He couldn't make assumptions just yet.

"Sasuke. Why all the questions today? You never seemed this interested in my life before." Itachi asked. He wanted to see his brother break. He wanted to see if his brother could handle being under pressure at keeping a secret. And how quick his thinking is.

"I'm.." Sasuke started before Itachi interrupted. "And don't say your curious. I know that's a lie. You were never this curious before. Why now?" Itachi asked again making eye contact through the rear view mirror briefly. "Uumm well I-I-I ..." Sasuke stuttered. "Hmm. Well I think it's a good family quality to be close." Itachi said before letting it go. Sasuke breathed out in relief. Naruto however was sitting in the front fuming at his best friends stupidity. 'You're so fucking stupid Sasuke! Fucking stupid! Just keep quiet next time!' He thought to himself.

They soon arrived at the Uchiha Mansion and got out. "Mother! Father! We're home!" Itachi yelled out climbing the stairs to his room. Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata were going to Sasuke's room as well.

Itachi entered his room and closed his door to start his homework.

Itachi looked down to see he got a text.

Number 1 fan

Itachi ❤️
Why hello. How's

Number 1 fan
Nuthin. Bored
WBU? Wyd?

Itachi ❤️
I'm about to
Start my homework.
You should to if you're
in the same school as
me. Then I'm aware you
have just as much. 🤨

Number 1 fan
Nah. I hate hw😜

Itachi ❤️
How about this.
You do your homework
And I text you later
When I finish mine.
Okay? 😌

Number 1 fan
Fine. Only if you
keep your promise
to text me back.

Itachi ❤️
I promise. ✋

Number 1 fan
Okay. 😜 Deal.

Itachi smiled as he place his phone on the charger and started to do his homework. He had a strong feeling this was Naruto he was texting. He just wanted to be sure. And he was going to find out tomorrow.

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