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"You're getting bullied?" Sasuke asked Naruto pissed. "A little. Only when your not around." Naruto said looking down."Who is it?" Sasuke growled out. Naruto flinched "Karin and suigetsu." Her whispered. "She calls me weird and pathetic. And that you feel sorry for me so that's why your my friend." He finished.
"Karin is going to pay." Sasuke said in a growl. Sasuke was furious. "Let's go to sleep yeah?" Naruto said quietly touching his friends shoulder snapping Sasuke back to reality. He nodded and soon enough they both laid down on Sasuke's king size bed. Sasuke feel asleep quickly so Naruto pulled out his phone to keep texting Itachi.

Number 1 fan
Is it 2 late
to say no?

Itachi ❤️
Yes. A little bit.
Who's bulling you?
I'll keep an eye on
them for you. If you don't
want me finding out it's you.
I can give them extra
work to do to keep them busy.
I'm the class president you know.

Number 1 fan
Your makin
me blush.
If you promise
not to look into who
I am I'll tell you.

Itachi ❤️
I promise. 🤐

Number 1 fan
Karin and her minions.
They say I'm pathetic.
Don't ask her any
Names please. I'm
Not the only one she
picks on though.

Itachi ❤️
I won't ask her
at all. I'll give her
something else to
occupy her time other
then bulling others.
🙂 Thank you for
telling me. I appreciate it.
More then you know.

Number 1 fan
Thank you. 🙃
What you doin
up so late?

Itachi ❤️
I can ask you the
same question. It's 11:45
You're a sophomore.
I'm a senior remember?
Besides it's Friday.

Number 1 fan
You aren't out
partying tonight?
I figured you would
since you are popular
with everyone and shit.

Itachi ❤️
No. Not my scene.
I've gotten plenty
of invites but I don't
attend any of them.
Most get disappointed
that I don't show up. But
to me partying is a waste
of time and money. And plenty
of germs get spread that
way as well.

Number 1 fan
Why do you say that?

Itachi ❤️
You're wasting your
time by attending a
useless party that most
people go to only to get
lucky. You are wasting your
Money by buying the alcohol
you need to let loose because
most parties are a bring
your own alcohol parties.
Useless.  Why would you go
when the only reason is to
really have sex? I don't want
my first time be with someone
who I've randomly chosen
when I was drunk at a party.
I'd rather it be someone I cared
about. And that would mean
not going to the party in the
first place. You never find
honest people there. So it's a waste
of my time.

Number 1 fan
That isn't what I was
Expecting from you. I
though you'd be a
partier tbh. I'm sorry
for judging. 😞

Itachi ❤️
😉 That's quite
alright. I go out a lot
I know but I never party.
The most I've actually
done is probably go to a
Hookah lounge. Never
anything else. I've drank
before but only at a friend's
house where I know they
won't let me do anything

Number 1 fan
You've gone to a
hookah lounge? Like
for reals? Okay I didn't
expect that. You rebel!
Lmao 😆😆😆

Itachi ❤️
Well of course.
One of my friends
Work there. I was
visiting them on there
break. 😂

Number 1 fan
Ok now I feel dumb.
I like legit thought you
actually we're there to
ya know smoke it and stuff.

Itachi ❤️
😆😉 No.
Just visited.
It's okay to assume
things. It's in our human
nature to do so. What are
you doing this late anyway.

Number 1 fan
Just laying down.
About ta fall asleep.
I don want to sleep
though. I wanna text
more. Zzz.

Itachi ❤️
Life struggles.
😂 I'll text you in
the morning. I'm about
to fall asleep as well

Number 1 fan
😂  Ok. Ttyt then. 👋

Itachi ❤️

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