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Sasuke woke up before Naruto and he noticed that Naruto had his phone unlocked. So he decided to look through the messages. He didn't expect to find out that Itachi never went to parties though.  He did believe that he was still a virgin though. I've he put it back he went to do his bathroom routine then headed down stairs only to see Itachi awake.

"Good morning little brother. How was your sleep?" Itachi asked. "Good. Mother and father leave yet?" Sasuke asked getting some cereal. Itachi nodded. He was awake doing something for school. He was trying to figure out what jobs to give Karin and her minions to keep them busy. Sasuke saw this so he relaxed a bit. He knew once Itachi set his mind to something he never gave up till the job was done. "What're you doing?" He decided to ask anyway.

"Looking at student profiles to decide who's going to organize the school events this year. It's September. I need to make a list. Any suggestions?" Itachi asked. "Karin. Put her and Suigetsu on there bulling Naruto." Sasuke said. Itachi looked to Sasuke shocked. Not that Itachi didn't already know but was surprised when Sasuke knew. "Okay. Anyone else?" Itachi's shocked face surprised Sasuke. He didn't expect that reaction from Itachi.

"Yes. Put Sakura on there. She's annoying." Sasuke said causing Itachi to chuckle. "That sounds like you have a girl problem." He commented. Sasuke snorted. "She's trying to break be and Hinata up. She's dead set on thinking I love her. She's annoying." He said. Itachi chuckled and added the names Sasuke said to.

"Hi guys." Naruto muttered out. "Good morning Naruto." Itachi said continuing his work. "Hey dope." Sasuke said still eating. "It's only 9 and your already up. Wow. The world must be ending." Sasuke said causing Naruto to throw a orange at Sasuke's head causing him to duck and laugh. Itachi didn't even have to look up in order to catch it so he did it with ease. "Sasuke you bastard shut up!" Naruto growled angrily. Itachi chuckled causing Naruto to freeze at this sound. "You going to stand there all day Naruto or come join us at the table and eat?" Itachi said chuckling.

Naruto slowly walked to the table with his cereal and started eating. "W-what a-a-are you d-doing?" He asked trying not to stutter but failed miserably. Itachi had to hold back a chuckle at this now that he knew Naruto was his secret texter. "Organizing the list of students who are going to be doing the school events this year. I'm the class president. It's my job to be the head of all this. Any suggestions?" Itachi said calmly causing Naruto to turn beat red again and look down. "N-no." He said before he quietly ate.


"Who's th-" Sasuke tried to say before Naruto kicked him in the shin causing him to shut up and wince in pain. "You're suddenly very curious about my personal life aren't you Sasuke? Could it be your the reason this boy got my number? Hmm?" Itachi looked at Sasuke amused by his panicky look on his face. "I-I-I don't know what your talking about." He said panicking. Itachi chuckled. "No matter. He's a nice kid. Anyway to answer that question of yours. It's Konan. She's coming over in a bit to help me with the list. Then we can do that homework you've been needing help with ok Naruto?" Itachi said laughing quietly at Sasuke causing him to scowl. "You did that on purpose didn't you? You knew it wasn't me." Sasuke tried to defend himself. Itachi just chuckled. "Maybe. Or one of my friends is trying to set me up. Wouldn't be the first time they've done that. However I did ban them from giving my number away. Only Deidara would go against me." Itachi said amused. Sasuke and Naruto were shocked to hear this. "They've tried to set you up?" Sasuke asked now genuinely interested. Itachi nodded "Mmhmmm. Most of the people they choose aren't my type. So I have to gently decline them. I don't go for looks but my  blind dates personalities were never good. They always has bad intentions." Itachi explained.

"Wow. Deidara's doing?" Sasuke asked. "Yes. Always. He wants to see Itachi dating so bad. We've tried to stop him from setting up blind dates. It doesn't shock me that he would've given his number away to another possible date." Konan said walking into the kitchen.

Naruto blushed looking down seeing his friend walk in. Sasuke looked shocked. "See and you automatically assume I gave you number away? Wow Itachi. Just wow." Sasuke said pissed causing Konan and Itachi to laugh. "It's not funny." He said again. "It kind of is. Your brother likes to mess with you. You know. Just to see you get riled up." Konan said sitting down in the empty seat. Sasuke glared at Itachi even more pissed. "What!?" He blew up. "S-s-sorry a-about him It-Itachi..." Naruto stuttered grabbing Sasuke and leaving the room. He left his and Sasuke's bowl on the counter before leaving.

Konan chuckled. "He's quite shy." She mentioned. Itachi nodded. "Let's get this over with. You remember what I told you last night?" He asked. "You told what who last night? Another rumor about me?" Sasuke said walking back with Naruto who was  hiding behind him looking down. "He told me the possible students we need to look over before deciding which going to be on set up and take down committee." Konan said thinking fast. Sasuke glared at his brother. "Why don't you join us instead of glaring at me." Itachi said getting serious. "No thanks." He mumbled looking away still pissed. "We'll be in the living room." He said before they both walked out. "Naruto. Get out your books. We'll be done soon." Itachi said causing Naruto's heart to skip a beat.

"O- okay." He said quietly. Then they left. "What's that about?" Konan asked. "He needs help with his geometry homework and Sasuke nor his girlfriend want to help him." Itachi explained. "Quite obvious isn't it?" She commented quietly. Itachi nodded. "Anyway let's finish this."


How's that for another chapter? How do ya like this one? I'm really trying to finish the others before I actually publish Moore chapters. I want to be a few chapters ahead venue I start publishing them. Just to be sure. Anyway thanks. Comment and vote please. Thank you!!!

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