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After a good 15 minutes walking, Andy leads me into a building. The other boys are walking behind us, and me and Andy were talking about songs and guitars like the whole way to the studio. 'we're here' he said and I look around. 'We're going upstairs, there is the studio' Rye said and I follow him upstairs. The other boys follow him and we walk upstairs.

We end up in a room with a huge mirror, with a black curtain in front of it. The floor is black and there are folding seats in the corner of the room. Rye grabs some seats and Andy takes a seat. I follow him and sit down next to him. He lays down his guitar and I follow his example. When all the boys sit down, Andy grabs his guitar and starts jamming. Damn he is good. 'Can you show us something?' Mikey asked and i grab my own guitar. Andy moves his seat a bit backwards so our guitars don't bump into each other. 

I start playing. It is just my guitar that makes sound. I have written some songs, but only the music and no singing or lyrics with it. After I finished my song they all clap their hands. 'When did you write this, in what kind of mood were you?' Andy asks and I start thinking. 'I wrote it when my mom was sick, and when she passed away a almost got depressive, in that period of time i finished this' I answered. 'Do you mind if I try to make a lyrics for it? Just improvise.' He says. 'No, go ahead' I give him my premission and i start again with my guitar. 'Wait wait wait, I'm going to record this, when it turns out well, we can record it in the studio if you want' he Said and he grabs his phone.

'Yeah go ahead' Andy said and i start jamming. Andy start singing and drumming on his guitar. When the song ended, the other boys look confused, but in a good way. 'wow I didn't expect that' I notice and Andy smiles. 'When I have the inspiration things as this just happen' He says and he stand up from his seat. 'Can you follow me with your guitar?' asks he and I grab my guitar and follow him. He walks to another room in the building and grabs a new seat for me.

'If you want, we can write your song down. Which chords do you use?' He asks while grabbing a piece of paper. 'Ehm, Am, G, C, D and Em. Just the basic chords, not that difficult' I tell him and he writes everything down.

When he knows everything about my song, we start with the lyrics. First we listen to his recording on his phone. 'I like it' I said. 'Yeah me too, but it is not perfect' Andy noticed. 'I am going to get a tea, do you want one too?' He asks. 'Never had one' I say. 'Okay, I take one for both of us, if you don't like it, I will drink yours too.' He says and he leaves the room. I listen one more time to my song. If my parents could see what i have achieved. They will be very proud of me. My eyes get wet and I hear a sound of my phone. Dirk sended me a message.

D: hey hoe is het (Hey how are you)

Y: goed hoor en jij?  (i'm fine, how are you?)

D: ook goed, wat doe je? (i'm good, what are you doing?)

Y: in een studio met Roadtrip, zoek ze op op YouTube, ik bel je vanavond (i'm in a studio with Roadtrip, you can search them on YouTube. I'll call you tonight.)

the first sense is Dutch, because the headperson, Yente, is from the Netherlands and text with her best friend from Holland. The sense behind the Dutch sense is the right translation of it.

'here you go' Andy said while he handed me a mug with a light brown kind of tea in it. 'It's English tea, that's tea with milk in it' he explains and i take a sip of it. Wow this is delicious. 'Hmm this is delicious' I say and Andy smiles to me. 

When we have finished our tea's we go back to the studio where the other boys still are. Jack is a bit jamming on Andy's guitar and Rye is singing, Brooklyn and Mikey are dancing really weird. 

'Oh hey are you guys ready?' Rye said and Andy shakes his head. 'Not yet, but we both don't have any inspiration left.' He explains and Jack and Rye stand up from there seats. 'Yente we want to ask you something.' My heart start beating fast and I get a bit nervous. All the boys are standing in front of me and they look very excited. 

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