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'So, Dirk, tell a bit about yourself' Harvey starts. 'Well, ehm I'm 19 years old, I'm currently in my last year of High School in the Netherlands and after that I want to be a barber' Dirk says. 'Oh that sounds fun' Harvey says. 'Do you know who I, and the other boys are?' Harvey asks. I look at Dirk. His face is getting red and he gets a big smile on his face. 'Yeah,  I know who you are' He says. 'On a scale of 10, how big Harv Star are you?' Harvey asks. Dirk walks over to me. 'Ehm, 15' He says. His smile can't get bigger. 'Wow that's great!' Harvey says. 'Maybe we can practice some vocals with songs from Harvey, then Dirk can join us' I suggest. 'Yes, sounds great.' Harvey says. Andy grabs his guitar and starts playing. 'Do you have the chords of the songs?' I ask while grabbing my own guitar. 'In the studio is a map, there are chords in' Andy says. 

I walk over to the studio and grab the map. Then I search the right chords and start playing with Andy. 'When I point at you, it is your turn to sing' Rye says. Andy starts playing and I join him. When Rye points at Dirk, he sings his line correctly. 'Wow you're incredible!' Harvey compliments Dirk. 'Maybe we can cover this song with Dirk and Yente' Andy suggest. We all vote in. 

We start divide the roles in the song. After that we record the cover. We make a 'one take' acoustic cover. That means, we film it while we're playing. 
If you still don't know what that means, it is the same kind of cover as the covers on the stairs.

We watch the cover back and we all really like it. 'Upload it tonight?' Jack says. 'Sure' Brooklyn votes in.

When I look at their insta story a few hours later, Jack has told it. "A special cover tonight, 7 PM. Stay tuned!" It says. 'Dirk, shall we go shopping?' I ask. 'Yes omg I love shopping' he says and we leave the flat.

'Hoe vind je het tot nu toe?' (Do you like it this far?) I ask. 'Erg leuk' (I really like it) he says. We go into our first store, where we both buy some clothes. Then we head over to a Starbucks and drink some coffee. Then we go to an other more stores. 

The last store we enter is a store with much hoodies. I buy some for myself, some really girly hoodies, but also some unisex hoodies, for me and the boys, as we have  the same size. Dirk also buys some hoodies and after that we go back home.

'Hey, how was your shopping' Brooklyn asks. 'Great! I bought some hoodies for the one who like it' I say while I throw the bag with hoodies to Brooklyn. He opens the bag and pulls some hoodies out. 'Wow these are sick!' He says. 'Then wear them' I say and orden my new clothes in my closet.

'Wanneer moet je weer naar school?' (When does school start again?) I ask Dirk. 'Maandag, ik ga overmorgen weer naar huis, als dat goed is' (Monday, I'll go home the day after tomorrow, if that's okay) He says and I nod. 

That evening our cover joins the internet. It is always fun to see the viewer counts getting higher. I refresh the page every second and watch the numbers getting higher. After a small 10 minutes I start reading comments.

OMG I fell in love with this cover

Who is the boy next to Yente

New member?

Who is the new boy


Randy is reallll

Who is the new boy???? Anyone?

The new guy sings so great! What's his name?

Is he gay?

Who is he?

We've got a new member?

I want to get him known

I show all the comments to Dirk. 'You're going to be famous!' I say. This time I talk in English to him, while we're with the other boys. 'Uhm I guess so' Dirk says. 'Don't worry to much about it' Rye says. 'No, I don't' Dirk says. 'But don't tell anyone your insta, they're going to stalk you!' I tease him. 'But, all the Roadies are so nice, so it don't matter anymore when they text you' I say fast.

We end our day as usual. Mikey and Andy are doing a live, Rye, Brooklyn and Jack are active on social media. Me and Dirk are just talking a bit, because he is going home in 2 days.

'Guys, what are we going to do tomorrow?' I ask. 'Eh I don't know' Rye says. 'If you call Chris, we maybe can film some covers, than Dirk can see how that goes' Brooklyn says. 'Sounds great! Shall I call him?' I aks. 'Sure' Brooklyn says.

I grab my phone and call Chris. 'Hey, have you any plans for tomorrow?' I ask. 'No, why?' He says. 'Would you like to film some covers with us?' I ask. 'Yeah, sure! What time shall I be at the flat?'  He asks. 'Ehm, I don't know, text Rye or Andy about that' I tell him. 'Okay, I'll do that. Then I'll see you tomorrow!' He says. 'Okay, bye' I end the conversation. 

'Going to film tomorrow!' I scream through the flat. 'Okay!' Andy screams back from the other bedroom. 'Yente what time do we want?' Rye asks. 'Ehm, I don't know' I say. 'If we start between 9 and 10, we maybe can film all the covers' Jack says. 'Okay' Rye says and he texts Chris back. 'He'll be here at 9' Rye says. 

I go to the bathroom and make myself ready for the night, so does Dirk. Then I head over to bed.

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