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'HOW? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?' I scream. I'm tired, sad and angry. 'Yente calm down' Andy says. 'I saw the news, we should contact the hospital' Mikey enters the livingroom. 'Okay, who calls Brooklyn?' Rye says. 'WHAT BROOKLYN? JACK'S IN HOSPITAL AND WE'RE THE WHOLE DAY JUST CHILLING AT HOME' I scream. 'YENTE CALM DOWN!' Rye screams back. 'It doesn't make sense to scream. Mikey is going to keep Brooklyn updated and I'm calling the hospital' Andy says. Then Rye gets away from me. He walks over to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water. 

'Come sit down' Rye says and he taps on the couch. I take a seat next to him. 'Take a sip' He says and hands me the water. I take a sip and breath deep in and out. 'Right' Rye says. 'It are the hormones right?' I cry. 'Yes' Rye says. 'It don't matter' He adds. 

'Jack's in the hospital, I'm going to visit him, with clothes and stuff, Yente want you to go with me?' Andy asks. 'Yes please' I say and I give up my seat. I press Rye a kiss on his lips and walk with Andy upstairs. Andy gets a big bag and I pull some fresh clothes out of his closet. Then we take some bathroom supplies and leave to the metrostation. 'Brook said he was here at 11 so we'll pick him up' Andy says. When we arrive Brook is already waiting and he runs to the car. 'I'm so glad I'm back' He says when he's back in the car. 'Me too Mate, we were all so worried' Andy says while he starts driving to the hospital. 

'Why did you left?' I ask. 'Well... an old friend of mine told me he would do something for his birthday and I should've been there at 8 a.m., he told me I must take that specific metro and then after he canceled  everything, I got lost.' Brooklyn says. 'That's horrible' I say. 'Yup, but I've been really mad at him and he knows it' Brooklyn says.

'We're here' Andy says while driving up to the car park. We get out of the car and walk into the hospital. 'We're here for Jack Duff' I say. 'Okay, he's at room 314. That's at the third floor in hallway 1, room 4.' The lady says. 'Thank you' Andy says and we walk to the elevator. Brooklyn presses at the button with the 3 on it and after a while we're at the third floor. We walk to the nurse station and a male nurse walks with us to Jack. 'Don't scare, he's on much devices, to observe him' The nurse says. 

We walk into the room and what he says, there are dreads, everywhere. There is an infusion in his arm. A tube feeding in his nose and breath support. Threads from under his hospital jacket which lead to a ECG. 'we're keeping him sleeping, to give his body the most rest as possible' The nurse says. 'We'll probably wake him up tomorrow' He says. 'Okay, what's actually wrong with him?' I ask. 'There is a 70 per cent change he broke his back, and he have some internal bleedings. But we will know everything exactly when he's awake' The nurse says. 'Okay, will you contact us?' Andy asks. 'Yes we will, we need some telephone numbers' He says  and we give him our numbers. 

After a while we go home and tell everything to Mikey and Rye. Then we continue our day as we not expected it to be. At the end of the day, Rye cooks some pasta for us four and we all eat it with less joy then normal, because we're not complete. Jack's not here and he won't be home today or tomorrow. Even worse, he won't be home this week.

I decide to go to bed early. It's almost 9 P.M. when I go to my bed. Rye didn't want to join that early, but he said he would come earlier. He did what he said, at barely 10 p.m. he's in our bed. Then we cuddle a bit and tell each other how great we are and fall asleep.

When I go to bed early, I won't sleep that long in the morning. So I'm awake at 7.30. I wake up Rye with lots of kisses and cuddles, what makes him extremely joyful. Then we head over to the kitchen to make us and the other boys some breakfast. After we all eat, my phone rings.

'Doctor Paul speaking, I wanted to tell you we're going to wake Jack up at 10. He'll be able to speak and have a conversation a little two hours after we woke him up' He says. 'Okay, that's  great. We make sure we'll be there for him!' I say and I tell all the boys this happy news. Then we make ourselves ready.

When we arrive at the hospital the nurses tell us Jack is getting more and more speaking with the minute, and they're glad we're here, because he really want to talk to someone. We walk over to his room and as the nurses said, he's really speaking, almost talking our ears from our heads. We just have conversations about nothings but he likes it, so that's okay. Then one of the doctors tells the diagnose of Jack. 

'Jack, you have a little fracture in you're back. You're really lucky the fracture is straight on each other, so it'll heal with some rest. Then you have a heavy concussion, but you'll don't feel it because of all the pain killers. At your left side you have two bruised ribs and you have a fracture in your ankle, but that should heal in two or three weeks with a cast' The doctor tells. 'That's not really good' I notice. 'No, but he's lucky. Yesterday we thought his back was fully broken in two and we thought he had some intern bleedings, but luckily it is only a little fracture.' He says. 

'You really need to take rest. You'll be in the hospital till at least Monday because of your back. We'll give you pain killers so you can recover faster, but that's only because you can breathe easier then' He explains. 'Okay' Brooklyn says. 'But after all you need to take as much rest as possible, but exercising isn't worse. That's the problem with this. You can't sit still the whole week, because of the change of trombose. But you need to take rest to let everything heal.' The doctor says. 'What is the best thing I can do?' Jack asks.

'Better do things in little parts. Go for a little walk with crutches for 5 minutes, a few times a day. That's better for the blood circulation and for your back to recover than walking a longer distance at once. When you want to go further, you should take a wheelchair with you' the doctor says. 'Okay that's right' Jack says. 'Well, good luck, and I will see you again tomorrow!' The doctor says us goodbye.

After a while also we leave, but Brooklyn is going back, as he stays at the hospital tonight so Jack isn't alone. Brooklyn packs his bags and Mikey drives him back to the hospital while Andy, Rye and me have a fun night of doing a weird kind of acting/dancing.

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