Giving birth

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A few months later

I feel something in my stomach. It feels like I need to get my period, but I'm pregnant and I think I'm going to give birth today or tomorrow. I wake up Rye and he looks a bit mad at me. 'What time is it?' He asks. 'almost 5 a.m.' I say. 'Why that early' he says. 'I think it's happening' I say while rubbing my hand over my stomach. 'Shall I call the doctor?' He asks. 'No not yet' I say and Rye turns me around. His warm hands are pain killing on my hurting stomach. Then I fall back asleep.

A painful stich goes through my stomach and I'm straight awake. Rye's already awake, but still in bed. 'Good morning sunshine' He says. 'Morning' I moan out of pain. 'Call the doctor?' He asks. 'Yes please' I say and he immediately gets out of bed to call the doctor. After a while he comes back. 'Go get yourself dressed and pack your bag to leave' He says. He walks away and I hear him storm into the other boys their rooms. I get out of bed and put myself some joggers and a hoodie on. Then I pack my back and Rye helps me downstairs. Andy walks through the house with the last stuff and then we leave for the hospital.

'Shall I check how many disclosure you have?' She asks and I tell her it's okay. She checks it and tells me I'm almost there. I'm almost about to give birth. Rye's sitting on a stool and holds my hand. 

'Go for it girl!' She says and I press as hard as I can. I feel something moving but I'm that far form the world so I can't place where or what it is. Then it hurts really much, but in a good way. I hear the nurse something saying, but I can't understand it anymore. It all don't matter anymore. Rye's almost above me but I do my best.

'Congratulations! It's a girl!' I hear the nurse saying. I do not fully realize what's happening. Someone puts a little wet body on my chest and it cries. Then my mother instinct gets to work and I realize it's my baby. I grab her carefully and look at Rye. He has a proud look in his eyes, who are also filled with tears. 'Madelyn' We both say. 'Congrats' another nurse says. 

They do some checks and luckily, we can go home the same day. Andy walks into the room. I'm sitting at the corner of the bed with Madelyn in my arms. She has beautiful big blue eyes and dark hair. A sweet nose, just like her father. 'Congrats guys' Andy says. 'You too godfather' I say. 'Thanks' He says while walking over to me. Rye grabs the Maxi-Cosi and helps me to make sure she's safe in it. Then we go to the car and Andy drives us home. Rye and me are both at the back seats in the car, and Madelyn is between us. When we arrive at home, the boys have decorated the whole house with pink slings and balloons. We walk in and I take her out of the Maxi-Cosi in the livingroom. I expected they all wanted to cuddle with her, but they are all really carefully with it. 

'Daddy want you to hold her?' I ask while looking at Rye. He nods and I hand her to Rye. They're all allowed to hold her, as she is part of the family. Rye looks really proud at her. In a second Rye, the tough guy who dares everything, has changed to a soft, proud and protective dad. I really like it and I think I fell in love again with him. With him as Rye, with him as a dad. 

I sit on the couch. Madelyn is almost 3 weeks old. She starts crying. Brooklyn looks at me. I sigh. 'Can you go' I ask and Brooklyn walks over to Madelyn. He picks her carefully up and looks just like a proud uncle. Rye and I decided that Andy, Mikey, Jack and Brooklyn are her godfathers, but we introduce them to her as uncles. So, uncle Andy, uncle Mikey, uncle Jack and uncle Brooklyn. Oh and don't forget uncle Dirk, who took the first flight to London when he heard Madelyn was born. 

We're one big happy family. Daddy Rye, Mommy Yente and all her uncles. I look proud at Brooklyn when Rye comes in. 'Babe? We're going out tonight' He says while sticking his hand out to me. 'And Madelyn?' I ask. 'She have got 4 incredible great uncles. She'll be fine' He says. 'Have you asked them?' I ask. 'I asked Andy, but I know for sure the others want to babysit her as well' He says. I look at Brooklyn who nods to me. 'Okay, then let's go I guess?' I say and Rye pushes me upstairs. I take some nice clothes and Rye locks himself into the bathroom. I redress myself fast and when Rye comes out of the bathroom my mouth falls open.

He has a blue, non ripped jeans on. A white blouse on it and a beautiful black tie on his neck. I am dressed in a black dress with a denim jacket on it. 'Damn Ryan' I say. He walks over to me and grabs my face. Followed by a kiss while pushing me backwards till I'm between the closet and Rye. 'We should go' He says and he gets off me. He takes my hand and walks downstairs, while I follow him. 

'Brook listen!' I say when I walk into the livingroom. 'Around 5 P.M. she needs her bottle with milk, you can make it with the powder and hot water, but test it on your wrist if it's not to hot. Andy knows also how' I say. Rye pulls me back. 'Waiittttt, I don't know when we're back....' I try to say but Brooklyn cuts me off. 'Yente go, it'll be fine' He says and Rye pulls me to the car. 'Bye guys!' Andy calls from upstairs. 'Bye! Take care for Madelyn' I say one last time, but Rye has already started the car. I take place next to him and he drives away. 'Where we're going?' I say. 'Is a surprise' Rye says. 

His left hand rests on my tight. I feel so more confident when his hand is on my leg. It's like I'm not alone. After a while driving we get to a building. Rye holds the door as a real gentleman and moves my seat for me. When we're seated in a little restaurant I notice how cute it is in here. There are fairy lights everywhere, cute candles and the waitresses are really nice. The food is also delicious. After a nice diner with my lovely boyfriend he drives us to another building. 

I immediately recognize the building. It's the cinema where our first date was. We go in and take a seat with a beautiful view on the screen. Then the film starts. It is a pretty romantic one and after the film we go back home. I walk into the livingroom and see Mikey is laying slumped with a sleeping Madelyn on top of him. He's watching the television, with the other boys. An empty bottle is on the table and only the view of Mikey and Madelyn is so cute! 'Hi' Jack notices us. 'How was your date?' Mikey whispers, so Madelyn won't wake up. 

'It was great! How is it here?' I ask. 'Fine, she drunk her bottle empty as you can see, the one before also, and we gave her a new diaper, as she pooped in it' Brooklyn says. 'That's awesome!' I say. 'Is she long asleep?' Rye asks. 'I gave her the last bottle and she fell in sleep during drinking, so she's sleeping, I guess, a half an hour?' he says. 'Can someone pick her op from me? I really need to pee' Mikey says and Rye walks over to Mikey. He gently picks her up, as quit so she stays sleeping. Mikey gets off the sofa and Rye lays back on the place where Mikey was.

He lays her on his chest and Jack takes a blanket to cover her. I go upstairs to change myself in some joggers and a hoodie.

When I come down, I see Rye was also really tired. He's asleep, and Mikey is next to him on the couch. I take a place between Brooklyn and Andy and watch some late night programma's on the television with them. 'I'm heading over to bed.' I say. 'Me too' Andy says while rubbing his eyes. 'Can you guys help me with this?' I ask while walking over to Madelyn. I pick her up from Rye and Brooklyn wakes Rye up. Then I walk upstairs to her bedroom. She has a beautiful room. 

A light pink wall, pink blankets and some other pink stuff. I change her diaper and tuck her in bed. Then I press a kiss on her little forehead and make sure the baby monitor is turned on. Then I walk to my own bed. Rye's already in bed and I take a place next to him. He pulls me against himself and we fall asleep.

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