Recording with Harvey

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I wake up early and it is barely 7 am. I go out of bed so Dirk can sleep a bit longer, in his feelings it is 6 am, because of the time difference. I walk past Jack and Brooks room, and take a small look into the room. Rye is sleeping with jack, or, Rye is awake, Jack is still sleeping. I wave to Rye and he gently says Hi. I walk further to the livingroom where Andy and  Brooklyn are sleeping, Mikey is waking up. I take a seat on the couch and plug my earphones in my ears. Mikey turns around one more time, probably trying to get some more sleep. 

I wake up again from my phone because of a hug from behind. I look up and see Rye. He kisses me on the forehead. 'Want some tea?' He whispers and I nod. 'Would Dirk like some tea too?' He asks. 'I don't know, I'm going to wake him up at 8, he is an hour back in time' I whisper back. I take my tea and make sure I don't spill it when Rye takes a seat next to me. 'Have you one for me' Mikey asks with a really deep morning voice. 'Go make your own one' Rye says. Frustrated he turns around. 'Thank you Rye' He says. 'Don't be so rude' I say while I give my tea to Rye. I walk over to the kitchen and make Mikey a tea. 'Here you go' I say and he turns back. 'Oh thank you' He says. I take my own tea back and open my phone. 

I'm a bit shooked when I got a follow request from a fanaccount. 'See this' I say and I hand my phone to Rye. 'That's shit' He says. The reason he reacted like this is because we tried our best to keep my Insta private. 'Just make a new one' He says. 'And then?' I ask. 'Or do what you want with your request, just know, if you accept it, probably all the roadies will know in 2 weeks.' Rye warns me. 'It is worth it' I say and I accept the follow request from the roadie. 

Less then a quarter later I get my first DM. 

R: Heyy, Are you the real Yente?

Y: Yes I am! 

R: Omggg I can't believe it, I love you so much! 

R: And the boys too omggg I am literly crying!

Rye looks with me over my shoulder. 'Stay nice, almost all the roadies are like this, and that is fun. Just text things you think it is the right. Oh, and make yourself ready for hate, you are going to get it.' He says.

Y: Love you too, you guys are so amazing! 

R: How did you met the boys? And how did you fix it you live with them now?

'Don't tell, just say something like we will make a video about it soon' Rye helps me.

Y: I can't tell yet, we're going to make a video about it soon!

R: Ooh that's nicee

Y: Yup, I need to go, Love you! 

'Right, never tell where we're going' He says.

R: okay byee!!! Love you sooo muchhhh

I put down my phone. 'Good job' Rye said. 'Hey' Andy wakes up. 'Hi' I say. 'What time is it?' Brooklyn says. 'Quarter to 8' I say. 'I am going to wake up the other boys' I say. I stand up from my seat and walk over to the kitchen. I make 4 more teas. I give one to Andy and Brooklyn, then with the other two I walk over to Jack. 'Jack, wake up!' I say and he slowly opens his eyes. I hand him the tea. 'Thank you' He says and I walk over to my room. I take a seat next to a sleeping Dirk. 'Wakey wakey' I say and he gently opens his eyes. 'SHUT UP' he says while pressing his hand in my face. 'Oke ik houd ook van jou' (Okay, I love you too) I say and he laughs. 'Grapje' (just kidding) He says and gives me a hug. I give him the mug of tea and he asks what it is. 'English tea' I say with a British accent. He takes a sip from his tea. 'Dit is eigenlijk best wel lekker' (this is actually pretty delicious) He says. 'Drink maar lekker op en dan zie ik je zo wel in de woonkamer.' (enjoy your tea, I'll see you in the livingroom soon) I say and I leave  the room. 

I take a pit stop in the bathroom and wash my face. I also do my hair, or, I brush my hair, because probably Dirk will do something with my hair. He wants to be a barber later. I brush my teeth, and put some new clothes on and head over to the livingroom.

'Good morning everyone' Dirk comes in. 'Morning' Andy says. Also the other boys greet him. 'Yente, may I do your hair?' He asks and I nod. 'Your hands are more than welcome in my hair' I say. I stand up from the  couch and get a bunch of rubber bands and my brush. When I come back, I  hand him the supplies and he starts to braid my hair. After a while he ends and I have two long braids in my hair. 'Wow that's nice, can you teach me?' Andy asks. 'Yeah of course, I will do it tonight, then she can wash her hair, it is easier to braid wet hair.' Dirk says.

'I don't know about you but I'm going to make some breakfast.' Jack says. He makes breakfast and I join him. I stand at the kitchen counter when Rye grabs me from behind and let his head lean on my shoulder. It gives me a nice warm feeling and also a ton of butterflies wake up in my stomach. 'Do you want to make me some breakfast too?' He says a bit sad. 'Yeah of course' I say. 'Yeah!!' he says more happy. 

So right now I am making breakfast for three people, Me, Dirk and Rye. It is just some cereal, but that don't matter. When I finish making breakfast, I give the cereal to the boys and eat mine. After the breakfast we head over to the studio.

''Boys when is Harv coming?' I ask on our way to the studio. As usual, Andy and me both with our guitars. 'Around 12' Brooklyn says. 'What are we going to do?' Dirk says. 'We normally start with a session where I  or Yente plays guitar, to tune our vocals and warm our voices. After that we mostly record some covers, but having fun the whole day is also a thing of the planning' Andy explains. 'sounds fun' Dirk says. 

We walk into the studio and we all settle down. We start our normal thing with acoustic singing. 'When you know the lyrics, just sing along' Jack says to Dirk. Andy starts playing "Year 3000", and I sing along with the boys. It is a pretty nice song, but Dirk don't know the lyrics.

'Hey Guys!' Harvey walks into the studio. 'HARV!!!!!' Rye screams through the building. 'Hey mate, how are you' Rye asks. 'Good, a bit jetlagged, but I get used to it' Harvey says. 'Help me' Dirk whispers to me while hugging my arm. 'Hey boys, hey Yente!' Harvey greets us. 'Hi Harvey, this is Dirk, a really good friend of mine from the Netherlands' I say. 'nooo' Dirk says while punching me in my waist. 'Relax' I say and I walk over to Harvey. Dirk nervously follows me. 'Hi Dirk, nice to meet you' Harvey says. I can almost feel his heart beating. 'Me and Dirk are going to get you all something to drink? All a tea?' I ask and they all vote in. 

I pull Dirk out of the room. 'Doe gewoon normaal, dan gaat alles goed' (just act normal, then everything will turn out great) It tell him while boiling the water. 'Dat gaat niet zomaar Yente' (That isn't that easy Yente) He says. 'I know, just try' I tell him. 'Ga erheen en doe gewoon wat je normaal doet' (go to them en act as you normal do) I say and I push him back to the boys. 'Good luck' I say in myself and I make the tea for the boys.

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