Meeting Blair

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The next couple of days I don't really do that much. Play some Fortnite with Rye and Mikey, Guitar with Andy and practicing vocals with Jack. I went live a few times with Brooklyn and Mikey and me and Andy have cooked yesterday. Today the boys have a meeting with Blair, their Manager. I can't come with them, so I stay home alone. 'Is it okay if I clean up a bit? A bit much' I ask them all and they all tell me it isn't a problem. 

When they leave I start cleaning. The boys are very busy, like always, so cleaning up isn't the first thing they do when they have some free time. I stort all the dirty clothes and turn on the washing machine. Then I make all the beds and do the dishes. After the dishes are done, I clean up random stuff so I can vacuüm. Then i mop the floor and clean the bathroom a bit. Open up the windows and doors for a bit fresh air and spray a air freshner for a nice fresh smell. 

I'm ready with cleaning up when the boys arrive home. 'Wow it smells nice' is the first thing I hear. 'Yente?' Brooklyn asks and I walk over to the front door. 'I cleaned up' I explain and Andy hugs me. 'Thank you so much! We usually don't have time for that' He says. 'No problem, I like cleaning up.' I notice and they walk over to the livingroom. 'Wow everything seems so more spacy' Jack notice and I laugh. 'That's the magic of cleaning up.' I say. 

'Guys? What happend in here?' a deep man's voice fills the room. 'Oh hi, who are you?' a man asks and I look a bit scared at him. 'Hi, my name is Yente' I say. The man walks over to me and gives me a hand. 'Hi, I'm Blair Dreelan. I'm the manager of the boys' Blair explains. 'Oh hi, nice to meet you' I say. 'She lives with us.' 'Not a part of the band, but more like a roommate' Brooklyn and Rye rescue me. 'And my little not-biogical- sister' Andy says while hugging me. I notie my cheeks get blushes and Blair laughs. 'Welcome in the Alphadog Family' He said and a huge group hug rescues the awkward moment.

'No, I play it with a Am instead of a A' Andy explains and I play that part again. 'Sounds better' I notice. We're both sitting on the couch with our guitars. Mikey is taking a bath, and Jack and Brooklyn are doing a live. Rye is listening to me and Andy playing the guitar, but also DM-ing Roadies. 

'oh my fingers are getting hurt' I say and and stretches his hand. 'Then stop playing for a good five minutes, try again then and when they still hurt, you know you have played enough for today' He says and he walks over to the kitchen. 'Want something to drink?' he asks and I nod. 'A cup of water please' I say and he brings me a cup of water. 

'We should do a acoustic cover with two guitars' Rye suggest. 'Yeah, sounds great! Any idea which song?' Andy reacts. 'a song of Ed Sheeran or Shawn Mendes?' I suggest. 'Is there any you already can play?' Andy ask and I nod. 'wait a second, I'll grab my map with chords' I say while walking towards mine and Rye's bedroom. I grab my white map and walk back. While walking back I hear a hard laughing coming out of Brooklyn's room. I take a sneak out of their room but they don't notice me. 

'I have plenty of them in here' I say while handing Andy my map with lyrics and chords. He looks in it and stops at a few. 'You can take them out if you want, each single map is one whole song' I explain and he takes a few songs out of the map. 'Do you want to play them?' he asks and I sit a bit closer next to him. 'If you sing with it' I joke and he votes in. Rye comes a bit closer and sits on the ground in front of us. I start the few chords and say the first sense of the song, so Andy and Rye know when to start. Their singing fits exactly with my guitar playing. Out of nothing a third voice joins the singing. Mikey has finished his bath.

I start playing the second song. And so goes the third and fourth. At the fifth song Brooklyn and Jack joins our acoustic singing. 'We shoud've record this' Rye said and Andy votes in. 'Maybe we can go to the woods tomorrow, and do the exact same' Mikey suggest and we all vote in. 

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