Left closet in the bathroom

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*at the end of this chapter and on the next chapter there will be some content some viewers may find disturbing. Then please stop reading and skip to where you think you are able to read again. This is the only warn I give, so be warned, also in more coming chapters in my book.*

'Hey guys, how was your walk?' Rye asks. 'Great, thank you!' Andy says and I walk further to the livingroom. 'So, how was your morning with Liam?' Jack asks and I start laughing. At the same moment I look at Andy and we both laughs ourselfs to death. 'Ohw you need to tell me something?' Mikey jokes and and I pull a face that tells them "you're right". 'TELL ME TELL ME' Brooklyn jumps on the couch.

'Okay, but don't laugh, it is really gross' I warn them. 'Oh but thats even funnier' Rye jokes. 'okay, you first need to know he's my boyfriend' I begin and they all clap their hands. 'Well done' 'I'm proud of you' 'Cuties' all of them say. 'So this morning, I kicked Rye out the room' I tell. 'Yeah, you can kick pretty hard' Rye tells. 'Yeah, I know. But, when I came back, I climbed on top of him,  I was laying down between his legs with my head on his chest' I tell. 'Lemme ask' Brooklyn asks  and I shake my head. 'We we're just chilling till I felt something grow' I stop at my last word. 'OOHH he had a stive cock' Rye screams. 'Shh yeah, so I said eh Liam, and then he asked me if I wanted to fix it' I go further. 'AND YOU DID' Andy calls. 'No no no, I did not, I said, no i'm not going to fix that. He answered with, go out of the way and let me fix it' I explain and all the boys look a bit sad.

'So there didn't really happen anything' Brooklyn notices. 'Yeah there did. When he came back, he grabbed my face and lubricated some cum om my cheek' I say a bit awkwardly. 'Yeah, the moment we all waited for' Jack falls in. 'Wait, let me finish my story. And when I asked what it was, he said Something you didn't want to fix. After that he put out his tongue and licked the cum from my face' I say and Rye starts laughing his ass of. 'Damn someone breath me back to life please!!!' He screams while laughing really hard. 'Wow, that's crazy' Brooklyn also laughs his ass of. 

'Thanks guys!' I say a bit sarcastic. But also I laugh about it. 'So for you all, In the left closet on my bathroom are condoms, take it whenever you need' Rye says and blinks to me. 'Yeah Ryan, I know' I say and throw a pillow to his head. He gently catches it and throws it back.

'Yente, are you ready for it?' Brooklyn asks carefully. 'What do you mean with it' I ask. I know what he means but I just want to know if we thought about the same thing. 'If you are ready to have sex, cuz Rye told us where the condoms are. You didn't know we all knew they are there' He explains. 'Uh I guess so' I say. 'Are you really ready for it? It is important you know if you're  ready for it or not' Andy asks one more time. 'Guys I really don't know! I just think if it happens it happens' I tell them. 'You need to feel for yourself if you are ready for it. What Liam did means he is ready for it, so if you aren't ready for it yet, you need to tell him, so he doesn't goes to fast' Jack says. 'Right now?' I ask. 'No, not right now, when you are in the game you need to set your limits. Till here and not further' Jack explains. 

'And if he goes too far, than we'll help you, we're going to make something you can warn us, just till you know how far you are' Mikey says. 'Maybe we can put a doorbell on your bed and the soundmaker of the doorbel in the livingroom' Brooklyn suggest. 'Yeah sounds good' Andy says. 'Okay! Then we're going to get a new doorbell!' Rye jumps off Andy's bed. 'Okay let's go!' I say and we leave the flat to but a doorbell.

After a while we come back with some doorbells. One is for Rye's bed and one's for my bed. The thought behind it is when Liam goes too fast, I can ring the bell. The doorbell will ring in the livingroom and one of the boys will 'accidently' disturb us. I will ring the doorbell on time that they don't come in when were actually having sex or something. 'When I ring the bell, one of you need to come immediatally, you don't have that much time then' I say. Then we test the doorbells and they work both really good. 'Hoping that you don't  need to use them' Jack says. 'Just don't have sex when we're not there to safe you' Rye says with a smirk. 

That same night Rye tekst me.

R: I got another idea, don't know what you think about it

R: come over to ma room

I close my phone and walk over to Rye's room.

'Tonight we're home alone, you really need to think about it, but if you want, you can try with me how far you want to go' He says and I am a bit overwhelmed. 'So you mean if I want everything we're going to have sex tonight' I ask about clarity. 'Yeah, but only if you want it, and I stop when you want or when I see we achieved your limit' He says. 'And the other boys?' I ask. 'I'll tell them, if you want' Rye says. 'But aren't I cheating on Liam then?' I ask. 'ehm no, yeah, he doesn't need to know, you're just doing an experiment' Rye says. 'It is all good if you don't want it, I'll totally understand it' He says one more time. 'No eh, just do it' I say. 'Okay, tell the boys?' Rye asks and I nod. 'Okay lets tell them' Rye says and he walks out of the room.

'So guys, me and Yente are going to see how far she can go tonight' Rye calls into the room. 'Okay have fun' Andy says. 'You're going to do sex?' Jack asks. 'We're going to see how far she wants to go, so if she wants to go further, then we're probally having sex yeah' Rye laughs. 'Oh okay then have fun!' Brooklyn says.

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