They're gone!

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'Babe? Yente?' I hear and I get up. 'Hi' I say a bit shame full. 'What were you dreaming about?' Rye asks. 'About the labour and the baby' I say. 'Was it a bad dream?' Rye asks. 'No, a really nice dream' I tell him. 'Oh that's nice' He says. He takes a place next to me and holds me tight. 'We're going out tonight' Rye says. 'We?' I ask. 'Yeah, Andy.... Mikey.... Brooklyn.... Jack... You.... and me' Rye says. 'Sounds great!' I say. 'Well, go dress yourself up!' Rye says. I give him a kiss and get up from the bed.

I pick a nice dress and put it on. Then I walk  through the house, and see the boys standing in a row. First is Andy. He has his black ripped jeans on and a black blouse. Rye has his blue jeans with a white blouse. The other boys have also a jeans on with a blouse on it. They all look very attractive in it. I walk over to Rye and give him a kiss on his lips. 'Let's go.' Mikey says and we walk to our car. Andy, Rye and Mikey have their driver licences, me, Brooklyn and Jack are practicing with it. 

Mikey drives the care and me and Rye are in the back of the car. Andy is next to Mikey and Brooklyn and Jack are between Mindy and us. The roadies have also made a ship name for me and Rye: Ryente. I really like it! We drive to the restaurant. The boys step out and Rye acts like a real gentleman. He holds the door when we step out of the car, holds the door when we get into the restaurant and slides my chair when I take a seat. 

We order a meal and wait patient at the waitress brings our food. When she brings our food, we all enjoy our meals and when we finish it, we pay everything and go back to the car. 'One more surprise' Rye says and Mikey starts driving. I hang a bit on Rye and he folds his arm on my shoulder. I close my eyes till the car stops and the boys get out. 'We're there' Rye says and I open my eyes. I climb out of the car and we walk into a building. Rye holds me back and Andy and Jack are doing something at a service desk. 

'We can go to the second room' Jack says and Rye grabs my hand. Our fingers intertwine and he pulls me so we follow the other boys. When we get into the room, I notice we're in a cinema. 'I know for sure you're going to like this film' Rye says. We all take a place in the back of the room and I lean a bit on Rye. The movie starts, and Rye proved me right, it is really a nice film. 

When the film ends, we go back home. 'Try to get some sleep, it's one and a half hour driving' Rye says. 'Why that long?' I aks. 'It was 45 minutes to the restaurant and a half an hour to the cinema, but we went a shorter way from the restaurant.' Rye explains and I fall asleep on Rye's shoulder.

I feel something moving... it's not the car. I carefully open my eyes and I see stairs. Then I see hall and then my bed. I feel two strong arms under me. I feel a bed. The two arms have both a hand and the hands undress me. I keep myself quite. The two hands open my dress and pull it out. Then I feel my pyjama. I'm getting down in the bed and a blanket gets over me. A little kiss on my forehead and a 'good night babe' from Rye. I look between my eyelashes and see him walking to the bathroom. I hear him brushing his teeth, then he comes back in only his boxers. He takes a place next to me and grabs me, then I fall asleep, again.

'Yente? Rye?' Andy says and I carefully open my eyes. 'Do you know where Jack and Brook are?' He says. I rub my eyes and look at the time. It's 06.34. 'In their beds?' I ask. 'No theire not' Andy says. 'They both aren't in the house, the front door is unlocked, their wallets and keys are on the table and only Brook has his phone with him' Andy says a bit stressed. 'Are you kidding me?' Rye says and he jumps out of bed. 'No I'm not' Andy says and he gets tears in his eyes. 'Search the house' Rye says and he throws me a hoodie. I sigh. 'It's a half to 7' I say but they both don't hear me. I get up and throw some water in my face, so I get a bit more awake. Then I start searching for Brooklyn and Jack.

'They're gone' Andy screams and Rye is as hopeless as me and Mikey. We're searching for a little hour right now and we've got the whole house like 4 times. 'I'm going to call them' I say and I start with Jack. Just to make sure he really left his phone right here. I call him and I hear his phone ringing in the living room. He is really gone, because his phone is always next to him when he's sleeping. Then I call Brooklyn. 'Hi! Brooklyn here! I can't answer the phone, so speak something after the peep!' I hear and I speak something in. 'Hey brook please call me back we're all really worried of you and Jack!' I say and I end the call. 'Well, maybe they're just walking or something, and will they come back today?' Mikey says. 'Let's hope so' Andy says.

A few hours later my phone rings. It's Brooklyn! 'BROOK WHERE THE F**K ARE YOU' I scream through the phone. 'I don't know, but I'll be home tonight' Brooklyn says. 'Thank God, is Jack with you?' I aks. 'No why?' Brooklyn says. 'Because he left the house, a bit after you, without keys, wallet or phone!' I say. 'No your joking?' Brooklyn says worried. 'No I'm not' I say. 'Well, hope he comes back at his own! Keep me updated! I've got to go' Brooklyn says. 'Okay, we will, bye!' I say and I turn to the boys.

'Brooklyn is okay. Jack's nowhere, he isn't with Brook' I say and they all look really scared at me.

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