Back to the Netherlands

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I feel Rye going away. I turn around one more time and notice I'm still on the sofa. Then he comes back and picks me up. Not much later I feel my bed under me. Rye changes me in my pyjamas and the blankets gets on me. Then I feel his warm body against me and I'm gone. 

The first time I wake up, it's a bit before 8 o'clock. I turn to Rye and see he's still asleep. What a cutie when he's asleep. Normally he wakes me up, so I don't see him that often when he's asleep. I find myself staring at him and give him a little kiss on his cheek, when he after that slowly opens his eyes. I roll myself on top of him and he grabs me. Then he pushes me off him so we're spooning. 'Good morning sunshine' He says with a really low voice, what's really attractive. 'Morning babe' I say and I turn around so I can see him. 'Have you carried me upstairs yesterday?' I ask. 'Yes' He says with a proud face on his face. 'All the hard work in the gym pays off' He says. 'You we're too far in sleep to do anything, I tried to wake you up for a great 5 minutes, but I give up the hope and carried you upstairs' He says. 'Ahhww that's sweet' I say and I give him a gentle kiss on his lips. 

After lots of cuddles we get up and go downstairs. I make us some breakfast and when wait till the other boys come downstairs. When they're all downstairs, we decide to do some covering today and leave early to the studio, but before we leave, I first need to put on some clothes. 

'SHOTGUN!!' I scream while I run to the car. Mikey opens the car and I take a place at the front seat. We drive to the studio, and everything is so much easier now, when 3 of us have their drivers licence and we have a car. After a while we arrive at the studio and as usual, I do nothing. I practice my guitar skills the whole day and work on some originals, but the boys don't know of that, because I didn't tell them yet. 

'Yente, can you come over here?' Jack asks and I walk to the little room where the microphone is. Can you press that button when we give you the sign?' he asks. 'Yes sure' I say. I press the button when they raise their thumbs and the computer starts  to record their voices. Normal they do that by their self, but they record a part where they harmonize all together, so they can't press the button when they're in the "recording room". 'That's a wrap!' Andy says and they leave the little recording room. They listen everything back and decide its good enough to finish it. 'Call Chris to film tomorrow?' Mikey suggests and they vote in. I really don't want to join them so I call Dirk and ask what he's doing tomorrow. 

'Hey, I was thinking about taking a plane tomorrow morning, and stay one night at Dirk's' I say. 'Why?' Rye asks. 'Well, I miss him really much, and as you guys going to film two days, I'm home alone two days' I say. 'That's true' Brooklyn says. 'So, are you okay with it if I leave for two days?' I ask and they all say it's okay. When we're back home I text Dirk I'm coming over to him and buy a last minute flight. Then I pack my backpack with two sets of clothes and my guitar, as I'm not leaving without my guitar. Then I go to my bed early because my plane leaves at 7 a.m.

*beeb beeb*  my alarm clock goes and I slay it out. It's way to early. 4.30 and I wake up Rye. I get dressed and carry my stuff downstairs. Then I make myself a breakfast and at 5 a.m. I leave with Rye in the car. It's 5.30 a.m. when I check in and wave Rye goodbye. 'Text me when you're safe in the Netherlands' He says and I give him a last kiss. Then I walk over to my plane. It's a short flight of 50 minutes and the plane isn't that full, so I can take my guitar and backpack with me. I take a seat next to a window and set my guitar at the ground between my legs. 

After a while the plain starts and not much later we arrive in the Netherlands. I pick up my stuff and walk away. Then I walk out of the plane and I see Dirk standing, waiting for me. I run over to him and give him a huge hug, we almost fall on the ground. 'Ik heb je zo gemist' (I've missed you so much) Dirk says. 'Ik jou ook' (Me too) I say, with a English accent, because I haven't spoken Dutch in the past half year. We go back home and it's really scary in the car, because we drive at the right side from the way in the Netherlands, and in the UK we drive at the left.

We go inside and we talk the whole day, and do some fun stuff we always did before I left to the UK. Then after a long day, I have a little call with Rye and I go to bed.


I wave her goodbye. A little tear appears in my eye. I want her to be with me but I know this is right. She is always a bit sad and down when we were away the whole day. And I know she missed Dirk so much so it's right she's with him now. I sigh and walk back to the car when I don't see her anymore. I drive back home and go back to bed, its barely 7 a.m., but I can't sleep anymore. I get up for the second time and and make myself a breakfast. Then I get a message from Yente.

Babe: I'm in the Netherlands xx

Me: Okay have fun babe!!

I text her back and wait for the boys to come downstairs. They come down one for one, and when they all have had their breakfast, we head over to the car and drive to Chris, we pick him up and go the first location for filming. The whole day I feel something missing, I'm not complete anymore. 'Rye are you okay?' Andy notices. 'I guess so' I say and he pulls me to himself. 'Leave Yente, she's an adult and she can care for herself. She's back tomorrow night so have fun right now' He says. Andy is right, I need to leave her a bit more alone. 

I try to think about some other things. I focus me one hundred per cent on the filming and luckily I'm not thinking about Yente the whole day. We end our day with a men's night and then I go to bed. My bed is so huge without Yente. It's so empty. I feel empty. I miss her, and she's only two days away. I can't sleep. I text Yente but she doesn't respond. I totally forgot it is an hour later there. Then I open up my laptop and watch some Netflix till late in the night.

'RYE WAKE UP' I hear and I jump up. 'Bro what's wrong with you?' I say and I see my laptop next to me on my bed. The screen is black. The last time I looked at the time it was 3.42. Then I probably felt asleep during the movie. 'We're running late Rye!' Brooklyn says and I get out of my bed. It's almost 11 o'clock and we should've left at 10. I take a short shower and ask Brooklyn wants to make me a breakfast. After my shower I put on some fresh clothes and get in the car while eating my breakfast.

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