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'It is an opportunity just for you, if you want, you can come live with us, for as long as you want' Rye said. A smile shines on my face. 'You can pack your stuff at the hotel and move into our flat by today if you want' Andy falls into Rye and I got tears in my eyes. 'Yeah of course I want!' I answer a bit to excited and they pull me in a massive group hug.

That same evening we go to my hotelroom. Or we, Just Andy and me. The boys are to the flat and have taken the suitcase from Andy and my guitar bag with both our guitars with them. I pack my bags, which is only a suitcase and a backpack. Then I leave the room and check out at the reception. I pay my stay and we leave. 'I'm really greatful you want to live with us.' Andy said and I smile. 'Same as i' a answer 'I hope you like cleaning, because I am a bit from the cleaning and organizing' he explains. 'Yeah I am! I really like to keep everything clean and organized' we both laugh and walk further down the street. 'Shall we stop at Starbucks?' Andy said and i nod. 'Never had Starbucks before, but I really want to try it' I said and we step into the Starbucks store. 'Shall I just order something for you or is there something you want' The question from Andy isn't that difficult.

'Just order something for me' I said and Andy grabs his phone. It is almost 4 P.M. He orders 6 drinks and I look a bit confused at him. 'The other boys like Starbucks too' he explained and I take my drink. I take a sip of it and it taste weird, but in a good way. 'Oh there are so many things i need to get known'  I notice and Andy laughes his ass off. We walk back to the flat where Andy calls Rye to help me upstairs, with my bags. 

In the flat all the boys are very thankful that we brought Starbucks with us. 'You can sleep in the livingroom with Andy or you can sleep in a bedroom with Me' Rye said. 'I should go sleep at Rye's bedroom' Mikey said and i laugh. 'May I see the difference between  the rooms?' I ask and they show me everything in the house. 

'Let me go sleep at Rye's room' I decide and he takes me into his room. 'Alexa play some music' he said and a magical sound bar starts playing music. 'This bed is mine, that other bad is from Harvey, but he isn't here anymore, so you can use it' Rye explains and I take a seat on my new bed. 'Where did you leave my guitar?' I ask and Rye points his finger to the hall. 'In the storageroom, next to the Andy's guitar' I breathe a bit easier right now and I open my suitcase. 'Where can I leave my clothes?' 'You can put them in this closet, please keep them apart from my clothes, we share our clothes with the whole band, so when your clothes get mixed with my clothes, you'll probaly don't see it back' Rye said and I start unpacking my suitcase. 

'Yente what would you like to eat?' Jack puts his head into mine and Rye's room. 'Eh, I don't think you know what I mean, but I really want to eat a Dutch meal' I said. 'Can you cook that?' Jack asks and I walk towards him. 'If I have all the ingrediënts I can cook that' I notice and Mikey walks over to us. 'Then we're going to the supermarket' Mikey said and he pulles me out the room. 'Wait I want to join you' Brooklyn screams through the hall. 'Then hurry' Rye said and I put my shoes on. 

'How many clothes and shoes doe you have?' Askes Brooklyn on our way to the supermarket. 'I took a suitcase full with clothes with me and just this pair of shoes' I explain and he jumps into the air. 'Then we're going shopping tomorrow!' he said super excited and I run after him. 'Which shoe size do you wear?' Jack asks and I think. 'I don't know what size that is in English, but in Dutch i have 39 (5/5.5)'. 'Oh i don't know what shoesize that is, but we'll see tomorrow' Jack makes me comfortabele. 

We take our stuff at the supermarket and walk back home. I start cooking and Rye joins me. 'Can I help you with something?' he asks and takes a knife out of the kitchen. 'If you can cut this' I said and I give him a sort of vegetable which I don't know the English name of. He cuts everything and I make the diner ready. 

Different from home we eat our diner in front of the tv, on the couch and beds in the livingroom. After the diner Mikey and Brooklyn wash the dishes, Rye takes a shower and I take a little nap on my new bed. 'eh Yente?' wakes me up and Andy walks into the room. 'I go live on TikTok, want to join me?' He askes and I go up from the bed. 'What's TikTok?' I ask and he explains. 'TikTok is the new version of' Andy said. 'Yeah sure' I said and I walk over to the mirror to fix my hair. 'All the Roadies are going to get you known, are you sure you want everyone to know you?' Andy asks one more time. 'Can you introduce me as just a friend?' I ask and he nods. 

you say, i'm crazy. cuz you don't think  i know what you've dooonneee 

A beautiful singing  echoes through the bathroom into the bedroom. 'RYAN I AM LIVE' Andy screams. 'Okay, I'm sorry' Rye says back, a bit irritated. 

After a long Live on TikTok and super nice reactions from all the Roadies, I change myself into my pyjamas and head to bed. 'Goodnight Yente' Rye said and i wish him goodnight back.

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