Seeing Dirk again...

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There I am. At the airport with the five boys behind me. Waiting to see Dirk again, after a long, too long time. The first people coming out of the gate. Then I see Dirk and I run as fast I can to him. I jump into his arms and I hear him cry of happiness. He puts me back on my own legs and I look him into his eyes. 'Hey' I say and also I start to cry.

I walk back to the boys and I introduce Dirk to the boys. 'Hope you did something to your English' I say. Dirk laughs and directly switches to English. 'Hi, I'm Dirk, but you probably already know it' He says and the boys introduces theirselfs. 'Oh, and just that you know it, I don't know if Yente already told it, but I am gay' He says and I grab him if he is my boyfriend. 'We already know, but, we are a boyband, so you can't tell we're not gay' Rye says. 

We start talking about mine and Dirks history, while we're walking to search Dirk's suitcase. When we found it we go back to the flat.

'So, this is where we live, it is a bit small for us all, but it is really nice and cozy' I say when we enter the flat. I let everything see to Dirk while the boys do their own stuff. 'Wow dat is best cool' (wow that is pretty cool) Dirk says. 'Als de jongens er niet zijn, mag je best Nederlands tegen me praten hoor' (When the boys are not with us, you can talk Dutch to me) I say and we laugh about it. 

After a while of sitting in mine and Rye's room, which is going to be used by me and Dirk the next couple of days, I hear Rye and Andy singing, and Andy is playing the guitar. 'Kom gaan we meedoen' (Come, we're going to join them) I say and I grab my guitar. I walk to the livingroom where Andy is playing Hallelujah. I join them with playing and start singing. Luckily Dirk knows the lyrics and joins us. 

'You sing really good' Andy says to Dirk. 'Thank you' He says. 'Tomorrow we're going to the studio again, want to join us' Andy says to me. I look at Dirk. 'Wat doen we daar?' (What do we do there?) He aks. 'Ehm meestal liedjes opnemen of gewoon grapjes uithalen en de hele middag gitaar spelen enzo' (ehm, normally record songs or just joking with each other and playing guitar the whole day) I explain. 'Really nice that Dutch!' Rye says and I push him from the couch. 'Wil je mee? Is altijd wel super gezellig' (Do you want to join? It is always really nice there) I ask and he nods. 'Okay, we're down!' I say. 'Great! 10 am we're leaving' Andy says. 

'What? 10 am?' Brooklyn joins our talk. 'What were you thinking? 10 pm?' Rye says. 'no, just kidding. 10 am is okay' He says a bit shy. 'Dus Yente, Jij moest mij wat vertellen?' (so Yente, you needed to tell me something) Dirk says extra loud. 'Ja, Het gaat over mij en Rye' (Yeah, it is about me and Rye) I say back. We both do it extra loud to tease the other boys. I walk over to my room and explain him everything about THE night.

'SO WHAT YOU GUYS  TALKING ABOUT' Rye jumps into our room. 'About our sex a while ago' I tease him. 'Oh I want to join you' Rye says and he wraps his arm around me. Dirk does the same thing to tease Rye. 'Oh two of my favorite boys' I say and Rye pulls his arm back. 'But really what were you talking about, just wondering' He asks. 'But really, I was telling Dirk about our sex, and of course all other things that happend and our journeys with the band' I say. 'Okay nice, tomorrow Harvey comes home after a long trip to Los Angeles, I don't know if you mind it?' Rye asks. 'No I don't care' I say and Rye leaves the room. 

'Oh whait, do you want some treats? I'm heading over to the supermarket' Rye asks. 'Yeah' I say and Rye leaves again. 'Wie is Harvey?' (who is Harvey?) Dirk asks. 'Harvey Cantwell, je kent Personal, Hasta Luego, I wish you were here toch wel, die zijn van hem' (Harvey Cantwell, you know Personal, Hasta Luego, I wish you were here right? Those are his') I tell Dirk. 'Oh my gosh really? I love him!' Dirk is starting to fangirl (fanboy) about Harvey. 'Jep, hij komt hier geregeld over de vloer, maar hij is ook vaak weg' (Yes, he is often here, but he is also really busy) I tell him. 'Oke, ik weet niet wat ik moet doen. YENTE IM GONNA FREAK OUT' (Okay, I don't know what to do. YENTE IM GONNA FREAK OUT) Dirk almost screams. 'Rustig! Komt allemaal goed, waarschijnlijk komt hij eerst naar de studio' (Easy! It will turn out great, he probably first will come to the studio) I tell him and it makes him a bit more comfortable. 

We end the day with watching a movie and eat some snacks. Then Dirk and I head over to my bedroom, while the other boys join each other in bed to sleep.

Heyy, It is because Dirk and Yente are both Dutch, so when they are talking to each other, they are talking Dutch. The first sentence after the Dutch sentence, is the English translation of the Dutch sentence. Please let me know what you think about it and if I need to change it, just say it, I can't read your minds, so if you don't tell me what you think about it, I won't know!

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