No more separated beds

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'Ready?' Rye asks. 'Yes' I answer and it happens. Our, mine, second time doing it is there. It hurts less then the first time and I start enjoing it. Before I know it the moment is over and he gets away from me. It's cold in our room without Rye on top of me. I put some loose clothes on and get back in bed. 'Come' I say to Rye when he's back in the room. He walks back to me and joins me in my bed.

He grabs me tight, his left arm is under my neck and holds my back. His right arm rests on my back and holds my head. I press my head at his torso and close my eyes. 'Thank you for being you' I say. 'No problem.' He says and pulls me tighter to himself. It gives me a nice warm and safe feeling. His strong arms and warm body around mine. He will protect me to everyone who will hurt me.

The front door opens and Rye turns a bit away form me, so he has an eye on the bedroom door.  Somebody knocks gently on the door. 'Come in' Rye says. The door opens carefully and Andy steps in. 'Hey, how are you doing?' Andy asks. 'Fine, and you?' Rye answers with a wink to Andy and a kiss on my forehead. 'I'm also fine, how was the movie?' Andy asks. 'It was great' I answer 'Fine you guys had fun' Andy says and leaves the room.

Rye turns back to me and hugs me tight. 'Oohh I love you' He says while hugging me. 'Love you too' I say and he gives me a kiss. 'Let's go to the boys' Rye says and he pulls me out of bed. I walk behind him to the living room and he takes a seat on the couch. I want to take a seat next to Rye but he grabs my hips and pulls me on his lap. When I sit down he folds his arms around my stomach. I lay a bit down and he lets his chin rest on my shoulder. A little kiss under my ear lets me smile.

I got a little flashback to when I was younger. I always sat at my parent's lap like this. I'm forcing to cry, but a little tear leaves my eye. 'Are you crying?' Jack asks. I wipe the tear away with the sleeve of my sweater. 'no, yeah, no, I don't know' I answer. I sob a little bit and  Rye turns me around. 'Why are you crying my sweetheart?' my lovely boyfriend asks

'I just thought about the past, when I sat at my parents laps like I sit on yours right now' I explain. 'Oh I'm so sorry for you. Do you still like to sit like this?' Rye asks. 'Yeah, I really like it, but it just remembered at the time my parents were still alive, and I think it's good to do this to get over it' I say. 'That's really good, and with friends it will get better than alone' Jack says. 'You're right' I say. 

That evening we don't do much more. Andy and me start cleaning the house, which is almost impossible with 6 people in one little flat. Rye and Jack are doing Fortnite, Brook is live and Mikey is everywhere and nowhere in the house. We, me and Andy start doing the dishes, take all the dirty clothes from everywhere and put them in the laundry, vacuum the floor, a little mop through the house and at least some finishing touches like refreshing the beds.

After everything is done, I have a Facetime with Dirk and Andy is joining Mikey with being anywhere and nowhere. Exactly they're just chilling in mine and Rye's bedroom, because Rye claimed theire bedroom for the television with Fortnite.

I tell Dirk everything about Rye and me. So we're having a relationship, and everything he wants to know, that's more than he should know, but he is my best friend so he deserves it to know everything. And he is gay, so he probably won't ever have sex with a girl. That's why I tell him everything.

'Babe?' Rye asks. 'Yeah' I answer. 'I'm going to bed, are you coming with me or are you coming later?' Rye asks. 'No I'm coming with you' I answer and I finish the Facetime with Dirk. I clean up the mug I used for my tea and walk over to our bedroom.

Rye is walking around in only shorts and is really attractive like this. 'If you want we can push our beds to each other to make one huge bed' Rye suggest. 'Yes sounds great!' I answer and we push our beds to the middle of the room. Now we have a two-persons-bed in the middle of our room. I'm looking proud to it when Andy comes in. 'Nice guys' He says. 'Yeah right?' Rye says. 'I'm heading to bed, what time are we going to the park tomorrow?' Andy asks. 'Ehm 11?' I say and they both vote in. Andy leaves the room and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I take my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. Rye walks over and grabs me from behind, to brush his teeth while he's holding me. After that I gently kiss him on his lips and switch myself into my pyjama. It's really weird the level of shame went less and less while living longer with the boys. When I lived here at first, I used to switch my clothes in the bathroom, now I take showers with Rye.

When I'm switched into my pyjamas Rye grabs my shoulders. He pulls me against the bed and when I can't walk more behind, he pushes me so I fall on the bed. He climbs on top of me and looks me straight in my eyes. 'We should go sleep in our new bed' I say and Rye nods. 'You're right.'

He gets off me and takes place at his side of the bed. I take place at mine but he pulls me to the 'border' between our beds. I want to grab him, but he really wants to be the big spoon so he turns me around and I fall asleep in his strong arms.

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