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A/N I own nothing it's all from the great Dick Wolf except random other characters. PLEASE COMMENT😄!!!

(Benson's POV)
"Mike what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I heard about what happened." He says softly sitting beside me.
"From Casey I assume?" I ask.
"From Elliot." He whispers.
"Great he sends you to make it better!" I say coldly.
"No I came to make sure your ok and how your holding up." He says rubbing my back.
"Sure." I says angrily.
"Liv I came to help you, tell me how I can!" He says.
"Just don't bring him up again." I say.

(Mike's POV)

"Ok! What do you want to till Casey and Amanda get back?" I ask leaning back.
"Just sit here and maybe talk!" She says laying down and placing her head on my lap. I start to gently play with her hair.
"Are you going to work tomorrow?" I ask.
"just long enough to ask Cragen for a lot of time off and explain to him what's happening." She say.
"Do you want me in the room with you guys?" I ask.
"I do, but it will probably be easier just the two of us!" She says falling asleep. 20 minutes later the front door opens.
"Hey!" Casey says placing 4 coffee cups and a giant box of doughnuts and a couple if boxes of chicken nuggets on her table.
"I don't know why the fuck did she got chicken nuggets!" Amanda said.
"Because Liv loves chicken nuggets!" Casey says.
"I eat them for a full year before!" Liv says sleepily while rolling onto her side to face the girls dipping there coffees.
"I would die after a week!" Amanda says playfully and Liv giggles and Casey yawns.
"Someone's tired!" Amanda laughs.
"I am indeed!" Casey says yawning again. "How are you guys not?" She asks yawning yet again. We laugh then we notice Liv sleeping again.
"Amanda you can crash in the spare bedroom, Mike just lean your seat back and you guys can crash there! I'll go get some blankets for you guys!" She says as she leaves the room.
"Well I'm going to bed I'll see you guys in the morning!" Amanda says following Casey.
"Goodnight!" I say leaning my seat back almost straight.
"Here we go!" Casey says placing a blanket over Liv. She hands me one almosty identical and gently lifts Olivia's head. I pull the blanket over me and Casey puts Liv's head down gently on a pillow on my lap.
"Night!" She says turn all the lights off except the bathroom one and close the door almost all the way.
"Goodnight!" I say with a small smile.

(Benson's POV)
The Next Day (at the precinct)

"Liv!" Elliot calls out as I walk into the squad room.
"Go to hell Detective!" I say walking into captains office slamming the door in Elliots face.
"What happened this time?" Cragen asks.
"Last night I walked out of the bar and I saw Elliot and bitchy Beck kissing." I say angrily.
"Ouch, what can I help you with?" He asks.
"I want to take a few months off, without pay if it has to!" I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"I just want to get away for a while." I say.
"I'll see what I can do!" He says. "If you need to talk were here for you!" He says as I walk out of his office and see Elliot waiting at muy desk for me.
"Liv can we talk?" He asks.
"No!" I say pushing him off my desk. I grab some files and head to our apartment. 2 hours later I've packed all my stuff that was at Elliots place and it's now at Casey's. I think I've moved on already.

            A/N awww not already! I hope you guys like it.  Request/ideas??? PLEASE COMMENT!!!!! I hope this chapter wasnt to jumpy, if it was please let me know so I can work on it. Thanks!!!!

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