Making Plans(20)

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               A/N I own nothing it's all from the great Dick Wolf except other characters! Hope you like it! Please comment!!!!

                    (Benson's POV)
              Still Olivias birthday
         I can't believe Elliot and I are getting married. I did not see this coming for a long time! But it means we won't be able to work together though which I don't happening.

"Happy birthday Liv!" Elliot says as we climb in bed.
"Thank you for making it the best birthday I've ever had!" I say kissing him.
"My pleasure!" He says kissing me, rolling on top of me.
   I moan as he deepens the kiss.
"El, how many kids do you want?" I ask as he kisses my neck.
"5 or 6, You?" He asks.
"Atleast 3! But not until after we're married!" I say and he laughs. "And where do you want to get married?" I ask.
"I would like a country of beach themed wedding!" He says.
"Country it is!" I say smiling while I push him off of me so I can get up.
"Where you going?" Elliot asks while I walk out of the room.
"To get my laptop!" I say.

20 minutes later

"So your best man is Fin. Groomsmen are John, Sonny, Nick and Mike. My maid of honour is Casey, bridesmaids are Amanda, Taylor, Renae and Corryn." I say.
"Who's Corryn?" Elliot asks.
"We met at my 5th or 6th doctors appointment when we were both pregnant and we helped each other out during that time. We've stayed in touch and we go out for lunch sometimes." I say.
"Oh ok and Taylor and Renae are from when you and Casey were little?" He asks.
"Yeah!" I say. "You'll like them!"
"Im going to tell Maureen and that when I go to DC this weekend to visit my sister!" Elliot says.
"That's fine!" I say calmly. "Ask Eli and Dickie if they want to be the ring barrier. Ask Lizzie if she wants to help the twins be flower girls. Ohh and asks the older girls if they would do my hair and makeup!
"I defiantly will!" He says.

                    (Stablers POV)
                   This Weekend

*knock knock*
"I'll get it!" I hear my oldest son yell. "Dad?" Dickie asks.
"Hey Dickie!" I say. "Can I come in?" I ask.
"Umm sure!" He says letting me in.
"Where are your siblings?" I ask.
"Upstairs I think, I'll go get them!" He says leaving me alone in the front entrance.
"Elliot?" My ex wife Kathy asks.
"Hi Kathy!" I say hoping Dickie would come back.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
"I needed to ask the kids something!" I say.
"What?" Kathy asks as the kids come running down the stairs.
"DAD!" they all scream as they trap me in a group hug.
"Hey!" I say tickling Lizzie.
"What are you doing here?" Kathleen asks.
"Im here to tell you guys some good news." I say. "Why don't we sit down!"
"Ok!" They say as we all sit on the sofa.
"Olivia and I are getting married." I say shyly.
"Awww!" Says Kathleen.
"Im so happy for you guys!" Say Maureen and Lizzie.
"Congrats!" Dickie says followed by Eli as well as Kathy.
"And.... you guys have two baby half sisters!" I say nervously avoiding eye contact with Kathy.
"Aww what's their names? How old are they? Lizzie asks.
"Their names are Kacee and Keannah and they're 7 days old." I say smiling at me children.
"More twins!" Maureen says happily.
"Even better they're only little newborns!" Kathleen says excitedly.
"I cant wait to meet them!" They all say.
"Anyways Lizzie, Olivia and I were wondering if you would like to be a flower girl with Kacee and Keannah at our wedding." I say.
"Of course!" She says hugging me.
"Dickie we were wondering if you would help Eli be a ring barrier!" I say.
"Sure why not! How about you Eli?" He asks Eli.
"Sure!" Eli says shrugging his shoulders.
"Maureen and Kathleen, Olivia was wondering if you two would do her hair and makeup!" I say.
"Of course!" Maureen says.
"Your crazy if you think we would say no!" Kathleen says.
"Thank you guys so much!" I say smiling. "And if it's ok with your mom would you guys be I interested in meeting your sister's in 2 weeks?" I ask as we all look at Kathy.
"Please!" They all say giving Kathy puppy dog eyes!
"It's fine by me!" She says laughing.
"THANK YOU!" They all say hugging her.
"So in 2 weeks I'll come pick you guys up and you'll meet your sisters!" I say smiling.

         A/N I hope you guys like it. I want planning on bringing them into the picture but I changed my mind. Please comment!!!!

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