Moving Day(41)

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A/N I hope you guys like it! Let me know if there is any grammar mistakes. Please comment and vote! Sorry if the next few chapters feel like they are rushed, I don't intend them to be. Also sorry if this chapter is confusing I've never written a chapter when people were moving.

Elliot's POV

Today's the day. We move into our new house. The kids have been sleeping on the couches ever since they got here for the party last month.
Liv is six months pregnant and getting crankier each day. Let's see how today goes.

"Mom wants to know when my uncle's are going to be here?" Kathleen asks setting another box in the living room.
"They said they might be a little late. Where is she now?" I ask.
"She's upstairs attempting to pack the rest of Kacee and Keannah's room, but they're getting on her nerves." Kathleen states.

About fifty seconds later Kathleen and I hear two sets of little feet running. When they reach the bottom of the stairs Keannah trips, falls back, hits her head and starts screaming.

"Kacee go wait in the kitchen." I demand.
"Ok." She says and goes to the kitchen.
"Come here Ke." I say picking her up.
"I want Mommy!" She cries.
"I know you do but mommy's busy. Let's go put ice on that." I say rubbing the back of her little head.

I walk to the kitchen with her still crying and shaking a bit. Kacee managed to climb on the counter. I set her on the counter beside her sister and find some ice for her. I wrap it with paper towel and hold againest her head. Kacee starts tugging on my shirt.

"Daddy is Ke ok?" She asks.
"No!" Keannah exclaims still crying.
"Guess not. She will be though." I say.
"You'll be ok sissy!" Kacee exclaims hugging her sister. She kisses her cheek and Keannah smiles.
"That's was a nice thing to do Kace. Good job!" I exclaim and a huge grin forms on her face.

After a few more minutes Keannah calms down.

"Now listen up, you little squirts. If you're up with mommy, you have to help her. Not make messes or get on her nerves. Got it?" I ask.
"Yes daddy!" They exclaim.
"When I come up there you better be helping." I say putting them on the ground.
"Ok." They say. They go and find their mother again.

Within the next half hour Mike, Fin, Peter, Sonny, and the moving company show up.  It's takes Mike, Fin, Peter, Sonny, the two moving guys, Dickie and I three hours to pack everything into the trucks and cars. All the kids are in the cars and Liv is making the finale check to see that we got everything. I walk back inside to find Olivia standing in the middle of where the family room was.

"You ok Liv?" I ask.
"Yeah," she sighs. "I'm just going to miss this place." She says.
"I will too." I say pecking her lips.
"Just think, Kacee and Keannah started their lives in this house." She says.
"Yeah. All the fun they have playing in the backyard, the giggles, everytime they would run away from us naked." I laugh, Liv laughs too.
"We should probably go to the lids before they start screaming." Liv says.
"Yeah." I agreed.

We head out to the cars. The four oldest kids in our van with Fin driving them. Us, Eli, and the twins in our truck. Sonny driving our car for us. We are the last ones to leave to start our adventure at our new house.

We get to the house in about half an hour. As soon as we stop the car the kids start screaming for us to let them out. We hop out of the truck and let the kids out. They make a B line to the front door. Liv and I laugh.

"You go let the kids in and I'll start bringing boxes in." I say.
"We put the kids names on their boxes right?" Olivia asks.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure!" I exclaim.
"MOMMY!" Kacee screams.
"One second Kacee! Ok tell them where the kids room is depending on what box they have." Olivia says.

She walks over to the front door where all the kids are waiting to go check out their new home. She unlocks the door and they all rush in. Olivia looks absolutely stunning with her pregnancy glow.

When we first met Liv thought she would never be a mother but she has two, soon to be three beautiful daughter's that love her more than anything in the world, and five step children that love her so much.

Three hours later nine at night

We managed to sort everything into the right rooms and get everyone's beds made. The next two weeks are going to be filled with unpacking. We paid everyone at least twenty dollars for helping us but Mike and Peter gave their money to Kacee and Keannah. They are spoiled little girls. Eli is passed out in his room. The older twins are sleeping as well. The oldest girls have already started unpacking their boxes and decorating their rooms. Olivia is lying beside me trying to sleep but Lily is kicking and her sisters are sleeping with us tonight and won't let us sleep.

Three months later, December twenty-third (Olivia's POV)

The last three months have been full of family time, school, work, and tough cases. We got everything unpacked and decorated after six days. I am nine months pregnant and today is Lily's due date. I've been really cranky lately and I'm not happy about it. Elliot is at work and as soon as he gets home we are going to the hospital to have our baby.

*knock knock knock*
"Hey it's Lucy!" Our baby sitter exclaims.
"Doors open!" I yell back as I try to change Keannah's diaper. Kacee is watching cartoons eating lunch.
"Hi Liv, hi cuties!" Lucy exclaims but the twins are too focused on their cartoons.
"Hey Lucy!" I exclaim. "They're just eating lunch. Also the other kids are here." I add.
"Ok. How are you feeling?" She asks.
"I feel agitated, in a little bit of pain the contractions started. Excited, nervous, happy, shall I continue?" I ask.
"You'll be ok. When does Elliot get back?" She asks.
"In about ten minutes. I'm going to go get ready and grab the hospital bag." I say.
"Ok." She says going to sit by Kacee.

I walk upstairs and get ready. About nine minutes and one contraction later when I pick up the hospital bag my water breaks. I hear Elliot call my name.

"ELLIOT!" I yell. He comes rushing up.
"Yes baby?" He asks.
"My water broke!" I exclaim.

A/N I hope you guys like it so far! Please comment and vote! If anyone has written a car crash scene please pm me! Let me know if there is any grammar mistakes!

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