What Am I Going To Do(14)

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            A/N I own nothing it's all from the great Dick Wolf except random other characters that are coming soon. If this chapter seems a little jumpy please let me know, I'm aiming for it to sound like Benson is panicking. Im pretending Livs middle name is Margaret Mae. And there might be little surprise waiting for you to see at the end, Dun Dun!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!😄

                   (Benson's POV)
     4 and 1/2 months after Benslers break up
     Holy shit! I thought to myself. I'm pregnant with my ex's kid, kids the doctor said twins. How did I not relize the I was pregnant, and how am I going to tell him. I only thought I was putting on weight and i didn't realize I skipped a few periods!!
"I need help!" I say pulling out my phone.

              (Benson's Texting POV)
CASEY - Right here sister!!!!!
BENSON - We have a slight problem!
CASEY - What is it?
BENSON - I'm pregnant, with twins!
CASEY - AWWWW wait how is that a problem?
CASEY - Then who's are they..... oh DAMN there Elliott's! Ouch what r u going to do?
BENSON - I don't know, can you help me tell him?
CASEY - Liv I would totally do it but this is between you and Stabler. Not me! Just be honest with him!🙂 He'll  will appreciate you being honest.
BENSON - I don't know if I want Elliot to know, like he hurt me really bad I don't want him hurting me again with the kids around. You know what I mean?
AMANDA - Just be honest with him Liv!
BENSON - HOLY SHIT AMANDA! Stop coming out of nowhere! It's fucking creepy!!!!!
CASEY - I invited her, you need some girl talk so I invited the other girl😊!
CASEY - HAHAHA no you don't.
CASEY - yeah sorry. How about I get Peter to take the guys to a bar or something later tonight and we'll come over and talk about what's happening?
AMANDA - Sounds good to me!
BENSON - Yeah ok fine I'll see you later. Bye!!

                     (Casey's POV)
30 minutes later at the squad room
"Stone I need a huge favor!" I say pulling him aside.
"What does this favor involve?" He asks.
"Ok Sherlock!" I say playfully. "Just taking the guys to some random bar and keeping them there until I text you otherwise!" I say. "Also say your paying and I'll pay you back later!" I add.
"Fine!" He says going back to the rest of the squad. "Hey guys I'm buying drinks tonight, who's in?" He asks.
"I am." Fin and Mike say then the rest.
"Thank you!" I mouth to Peter walking out as he nods back.

               (Casey's Texting POV)
LIV - Did you get him to agree to bring them to the bar????
CASEY - Yes I did!!!!
AMANDA - YAY!!!!!!
CASEY - HOLY damn Liv it is creepy!!
LIV- Told you!😋
CASEY - ok ok, I'll be over at 630 if that's OK?
LIV- yeah that's fine, Amanda?
AMANDA - I don't get off work till 7 so I'll say 720-730ish.
LIV- ok see ya soon.

6:30pm (Benson's POV)

"Hey, wow you look big!" Casey says as I open door for her to come in.
"Thanks!" I say sarcasticly. "I'm freaking out Case." I say seriously.
"Hey don't worry we'll figure something out! How far along are you?" She asks.
"4 and a half months." I say with a worried expression on my face. "You think I'm stupid for not realizing I'm pregnant don't you?"
"Liv I would never think that!" She says hugging me."When did you notice symptoms?" Casey asks.
"When I threw up a few days ago and I haven't thrown up in literally years. I only thought I was putting on weight because I've been trying to. I was skinnier than a twig." I say.
"And you didn't notice your period gone?" She asks.
"No I've been extremely busy with work and I have irregular periods." I say.
"The important question is, do you want to keep them? She asks sincerely.
"Yes I love them more than anything in the world!" I say rubbing my hand over my belly. "I've always wanted kids!"
"Next do you still have feelings for Elliot?" She asks.
"Casey how could you even ask that!"
"Do you still have feelings for Elliot?" She asks again.
"No! I don't know, well I guess, just a little!" I say. "I always will I guess!" I say smiling at the thought of Elliot.
"It's obvious you still love Elliot. Loving Elliot + having kids together  = your perfect family!" She says.
"I guess your right!" I say.
"So do you have any names on mind?" She asks bring me a glass of water.
"Yeah since in having two baby girls!" I say beaming. "I've been thinking Kacee Amanda Mae after Amanda, you and me since my middle name is Mae and Keannah Taylor Renae after two other close friends from when we were little!" I say happily.
"Baby girls! Awwww after Amanda and I, I love you so much girl." She says checking the time. "7:10" she says as someone knocks on the door.
"She's early!" I say walking to the door opening it.
     I freeze when I see it's not Amanda.
"Elliot!" I say. "What are you doing here?" I ask holding back tears as I notice him staring at my 4 and a half month pregnant belly.
"Can we talk?" He asks.

        A/N Ooooo Elliots back!! What will happen next??? What do you think for the name choices😄??? Again I hope this wasnt to jumpy!! Request/ ideas??? PLEASE COMMENT😄!! The next chapter will be out soon!!

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