Meeting Their Siblings(21)

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            A/N I own nothing it's all from the great Dick Wolf except random other characters. Please comment!!!

                    (Stablers POV)
                    2 weeks later

"Hey!" I say walking up to Kathy's front door as Maureen opens it.
"Hey!" She says hugging me.
"You guys ready to go?" I ask looking at 5 suit cases.
"I am! Dickie is being really slow and he won't hurry up!" She says before running upstairs as someone hugs my legs.
"DADDY!" Eli screams.
"ELI!" I say loudly. "Why aren't you using your indoor voice?" I ask tickling him.
"Because I'm excited to meet my baby sister's silly." He says.
"That's good!" I say. "Do you want to help me bring your stuff to my car?" I ask.
"Yeah!" He says jumping excitedly grabbing his book bag full of toys, clothes and his blanket.
"Come with me!" I say taking the older girls suitcases out to the car.

30 minutes later

     We have everything packed and just need to see goodbye to Kathy.

"Bye Mom!" The older 4 say.
"Bye mommy!" Eli says.
"Bye sweethearts! Be good for your Dad and Olivia!" Kathy says.
"We will!" They say then getting into the car.

Several hours later

"Maureen, can you text Liv on my phone and ask if the girls are napping?" I ask.
"Sure!" She says excitedly picking up my phone. "How long until we get there?" She asks typing.
"10 minutes!" I say.
"Uh Liv says that the girls are far to excited for having a nap!" She says.
"Just say ok and we'll be there in 10 minutes." I say laughing.
"Ok Eli?" I ask.
"Yes Daddy?" He asks.
"Your sisters are only little so you have to be careful when your playing ok!" I say.
"Ok! Are they going to play with me?" He asks.
"They're really little Eli, so they won't play alot!" I say trying to make him understand.
"Ok!" He says as we pull up to my building.
"We're here!" I say. "Everyone grabs their own bags, got it?" I ask.
"Yeah!" They each say.
"Good!" I say.

         I lead my kids threw my apartment building lobby to the elevators, up to our floor and to our apartment door. We open the door and Eli runs straight for Olivia in the kitchen.

"LIVIE!" He yells hugging her legs.
"Hi Eli! You've gotten so big! How old are you now?" She asks and I smile.
"This many!" He says holding up 5 fingers.
"5! That's so many!" Liv says picking him up.
"Where's my sisters?" He asks.
"Their in their room mister! You wanna go them?" She asks all the kids.
"Yeah!" They say one after another.
"Ok! Follow me!" She says as she leads them to the nursery. She places Eli back on the floor.
"Here we go!" She says picking Kacee up out of her crib and I grab Keannah.
"Aww they're so small!" They say.
"Can I hold her?" Kathleen asks me.
"Of course you can! This is your sister Keannah. That's Kacee!" I say as Liv hands Maureen Kacee!

        They each take turns holding the girls. All except Eli.

"Eli sweetheart do you want to hold your sister ?" Liv asks.
"Sure!" He says excitedly.
"Ok come sit in the chair." She says as he sits. She lets him hold Keannah and Keannah giggles.
"Aww Daddy shes laughing!" He tells me laughing himself.
"Do you guys like them?" I ask.
"We love them to pieces already!" They say.

               A/N awwww! Hope you guys like it!! Request/ideas?? Please comment!!!

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