Another New Detective(8)

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       A/N I own nothing it's all from the great Dick Wolf except random other characters. I hope you guys liked the last two chapters!!! There will be more like them coming. Please dont hate me for bring a certain character in this chapter!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!

                  (Benson's POV)  
         1 and a half months later

     It's been a month and a half since that amazing date with Elliot we've been on two more since then and they were both almost as amazing as the first. And he's coming back to SVU today, I just don't want him to react badly to Mike. He gets really protective when I'm talking to other men he doesn't know. I'll just have to wait and see!!

"You excited?" I ask him as we enter the precinct.
"Yes and no!" He says.
"Why no?" I ask.
"Have you met Fin?" He ask and we both start laughing like crazy as we walk into the squad room.
"What's so funny?" Fin asks.
"Just something Elliot said!" I said.
"Ok, Stabler you hurt her and I'll hurt you!" Fin says giving him a hug. "Welcome back!"
"Thanks!" Elliot says noticing the others.
"This is Nick Amaro, Mike Dodds, Dominick Carisi call him Sonny, you've met Amanda, and that's Peter Stone." I say as Peter walks in with Casey. "People this is Elliot Stabler!" I say as he shakes everyone's hands.
"Nice to meet you!" Carisi says.
"Stabler you'll be partnered with Amanda until the new detective comes in!" Cragen says walking out of his office to give him a hug.
"Sounds good!" He says walking to his desk near hers.
"Your seriously getting another new detective?" I ask.
"Yes we'll get as much detectives as we need." Cragen says. "And i think she'll make a great addition to the team. Her names Dani Beck.
"Ewww!" I say playfully.
"Ok ok get to work!" Cragen says playfully as well.

9 hours later

     Elliot and i walk into our apartment and completely flop on our bed exhausted.
"Man I'm so tired!" Elliot says.
"Me too!" I say cuddling with him.
"So what are we?" He asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Do you consider us boyfriend girlfriend?" He asks shyly.
"I've been considering us that since our first date!" I say kissing him passionately on his lips.
"I'm glad you do!" He says kissing me back.

1 and a half hours later

     A hour and a half later we lay in bed naked and covered in a small layer of sweat.
"Well that was new!" I say catching my breath.
"What?" Elliot asks catching his breath.
"Having sex before 4 dates!" I say smiling.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks nervously.
"No it was amazing!" I say putting my head on his chest.
"Good I was really nervous I would hurt you!" He says kissing the top of my head.
"You were fine!" I say smiling and pulling the blankets over top of us.

         A/N I hope you guys like it. What will Dani do???? Please comment😄!!!!

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