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A/N I don't own anything it's all from the great Dick Wolf except random other characters and the twins. I'm thinking of starting a new story so if you pm me I'll send you the description of it. All you have to do is read it and tell me if I should write it.
I'm bringing Stablers other kids back into the story but much younger. Maureen is 14, Kathleen is 12, Dickie and Lizzie are 10 and Eli is 5.

Olivia's POV the next morning

"I'm too tired to move." I groan.
"Well you have to. Mike will be here soon with the girls." Elliot says getting up and looking for out clothes.
"El?" I ask.
"No I'm not carrying you!" He exclaims.
"No not that! We need a bigger house." I say as he hands me my clothes.
"Why?" He asks.
"Kathy emailed me. She's giving you full custody of the kids. She said she's with someone that doesn't like kids." I say.
"She's abandoning the kids for some guy." He says a little angry.
"Babe are you ok?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yeah. Are you ready to go from two kids to eight?" He asks.
"No but we'll get through it together." I say kissing him passionately.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say.

Later upstairs

"Mike should be here any minute." Elliot says getting off the phone with him.
"Ok. Do you want to move closer to the precinct?" I ask as he notices i'm on my laptop.
"I'll move anywhere as long as it feels like home! Are you already looking at houses?" He asks.
"I've been looking for a awhile. I found a few I want to go check out. They all have decent size yards for the girls to play in and a couple have pools!" I exclaim.
"Do you want to go this weekend to check them out and are we bringing the girls?" Elliot questions.
"Sunday and no. I'll ask Casey or Amanda to babysit them." I say.
"Why Sunday?" He asks.
"Taylor and Renae want to take me shopping." I reply.
"Shopping for what?" He asks.
"Just shopping. Girls night out." I say.
"Then I'm here with the girls?" He asks.
"Yep. I'll ask horsey to come help you." I say and we both laugh.

We hear a knock on the door. I peak out the window and see two hyper little girls and Mike. Elliot opens the door and the girls comes rushing towards me.

"Hi baby girls!" I exclaim.
"Mommy, Mommy we missed you!" They exclaim hugging me.
"I missed you too! Did you cuties have fun?" I ask.
"Yeah Uncle Mike made us Mac and cheese!" Kacee exclaims.
"Fun that must've been yummy." I say.
"And guess what Mommy!" Keannah says.
"What?" I ask.
"Uncle Mike let us watch Barbie before bed!" Keannah exclaims.
"Fun! Can you go say hi to Daddy so I can ask Uncle Mike something?" I ask and they run to their dad. Mike walks over to me.
"Mike do you mind coming over Saturday night and help Elliot with the girls while I'm out?" I ask.
"Sure. By the way you or Elliot owe me a bottle of Advil." He says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Your kids and I played horsey for more than two hours! My back is a little sore!" He exclaims and we laugh a little.
"Sorry about that. We don't let them play it here." I chuckle. "Do you mind coming over here Saturday and help Elliot with the girls? I'll be out most of the day." I say.
"Sure. I love seeing my nieces. What do you think your next baby will be?" He asks.
"I think it's going to be another girl. But I would like a little boy, so does Elliot." I say rubbing my tiny baby bump.
"Do you have names in mind?" Mike questions.
"For a girl, Lily or Dynah. For a boy, Andrew. I'm leaning towards Lily and El hasn't decided yet." I smile.
"Well he has time!" He exclaims.
"Yeah. Well I'll let you get going now. See ya!" I exclaim.
"See ya!" He exclaims and let's himself out.

Just then two goofy little girls come running at me.

"I'm hungry Momma!" Kacee says pulling at my shirt.
"Me too." Keannah says copying her sister.
"How about you two go watch some cartoons and Daddy and I will make you some lunch?" I suggest.
"Ok mummy!" They exclaim.

The run to the couch. Elliot walks up behind them.

"Daddy! Momma saud we watch cartoons now!" They exclaim.

Elliot turns the TV on and puts Paw Patrol on for them.

"What are you up to?" He asks walking up behind me in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my baby bump.
"We, are about to make lunch for two hungry little munchkins." I smile placing my hands on top of his.
"Sounds good." He says kissing the back of my head.
"Have you picked what name if the baby is a girl?" I ask getting out some fruit.
"I like Lily more." He says as he starts to make Mac and cheese.
"So Lily Alexandra Rose or Andrew Elliot Michael!" I exclaim.
Elliot gets on his knees and whispers to my baby bump, "Daddy will love you Lily or Andrew forever. No matter what."
I smile at his words. "We only have a few months until we can find out who this baby is." I say.
"I'm so excited. If this is Lily, the next girl after her we are naming her after her mother." Elliot declares as he stands back up.
"So... Quinn Olivia Mae would be her name?" I ask.
"How do you come up with beautiful names so quickly?" He asks before passionately kissing me.
"I don't know!" I exclaim.

After we finish making the girls lunch, our afternoon as a family o spilled with playing games together. Laughing and a few tears, going on a long walk, eating at a restaurant. By the time we get home, we all pass out cuddled up on mine and Elliot's bed.

     A/N How do you like it so far? Will the baby be Andrew or Lily? I hope you like it! Please comment. Let me know if there is any grammar mistakes!

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