Chapter Seven: Deduction Show

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  "Fabs? Where the hell are you? Everyone is here for the deduction show. You're the only one that we are waiting. The suspects want to go home, they think we let them all meet up for stupidity. If you're not coming I'll start the deduction show myself."

Shit. No. I ran my way to the garden as fast as I could.

Aaron's POV

I texted Fabian. But hell. She's not replying. I shoved my cell phone back to the back pockets of my pants. I diverted my attention back to them. The three suspects. Gregory and Sheila are here. I invited them for them to witness who is the culprit of their best friend's secret admirer.

"So all of you are gathered here this afternoon to be found guilty for doing such obscenity to Ally." I started.

One suspect leaned in a tree. One was impatient and keeps on ranting that this was all just pure bullshit. One sat silently in the grass. Patiently waiting and obviously bored as he counted the grass.

"Obscenity?" Kristina asked with an arched eyebrow. Reminds me of Fabian actually. She stood there crossed arms. Her posture just tells a lot about herself. She could be a real bitch.

"Obscenity is any act that strongly offend the morality or decency of any individual. Sexual content in texts, pornographic photos, indecent letters are examples of obscene acts." I explained.

They all turned pale white when they realized what's all this for.

"Ally told us, that she is one of the none existing students in your classroom. Almost half of your classmates doesn't know her real name. Out of thirty, only ten students knew her. Out of ten there were two photographers."

"One is Kristina from the Gazette school's newspaper. And the other is Izzy an ordinary photographer individual. If we will look at it, Izzy is totally the suspect. He could stalk and take pictures of Ally because he admires her. Because he is a guy. But my friend Fabian realized something. There were shots of Ally from their classrooms, streets etc." I paused as I walk around them. "But there was also a shot of her in her undergarments, in the lady's bathroom. Fabian, my friend, thought that maybe there were hidden cameras that Izzy installed. But there were none. She also thought that maybe Izzy took the shots to some windows, but there were no windows. And it will be too risky to take a nice angle of shots in the lady's bathroom if you were a guy. And according to Fabian, the angle of the picture was taken inside the bathroom to the next cubicle that Ally was using. It was confirmed that a girl did it. Which is Kristina."

Kristina was the most impatient. She had a bitchy attitude. But she at least wears descent clothes, but doesn't goes out of style. I guess she's just a bitch to people she doesn't like. But she looked down guilty when I mentioned her name.

"Now let's go with the texts. The anonymous number had a unique behavior in texts. He had shortcuts and he uses an alternate big and small letters. I guess it's his style in texting. Like this one." I showed them the screenshot of the text message.
hI aLlY! U LoOk BeAutiFuL iN yOuR WhITe uNdiES♡
○●●○●○ ●○○●○○

"And out of ten, I did a background check to their social medias. And only two of them had the same behavior. It was Bryan and Sam. When I stalked them, I found out that both of them had girlfriends. Which is good. So I contacted the two of them. I asked a favor if they could invade their boyfriend's privacy. But of course I warned them that they could see something that looks like cheating. I explained that it's not. And I showed them the texts that was sent to Ally. And Sam's girlfriend confirmed to me, that she saw the exact same text that I showed them. So it was Sam." I smirked and looked at Sam.

"So it was you? That was why she borrowed my phone. She told me she will just text her parents to let them know that she was with me. But that wasn't what she really did." Sam realized.

"Yes. Now with the writer. It was too easy to determine actually. Out of ten, only one handwriting matched with the writer's letters. But he had a different grammar. It was Mark. But there was one student that matched with the grammars and it was Gregory." They all had a confused expression to what I have revealed.

"That is when we realized that this three suspects were being given orders. Which is the real culprit. Out of three suspects, all of you introduced yourselves as this code ○●●○●○ ●○○●○○. Which means S and E. If we decipher it using the braille code. Which was by the way deciphered by Fabian. We figured out that S means Sheila. Sheila is just trying to frame Gregory so she used his grammar to write the letters. And the E thing is her middle name I guess."

"What the fuck?" Sheila stood up from her seat in the bench. He expression was like blazing fire. Her words look calm, but I could hear the threat coming.

I smirked. "I'm not done yet. What was her motive? Simple. Sheila accused Ally for exposing her video scandal in social media. Which Ally didn't really did. But Sheila insisted that she was one who did it. Therefore she wants to take revenge and that is the purpose of all this." I continued.

"Yes. I did accuse her. But this past days, I've come to realize that Ally wouldn't do such thing. Until just this afternoon I found out who really did it. If I didn't care for Ally and if I still hated her, I wouldn't come here. I was planning to confront her after this meeting. But I didn't expected I was the suspect? What the fuck? I have no fucking idea with codes! And if that code means S and E, it's not enough proof or evidence for you guys to accuse me. Yes. I am rich. But I wouldn't waste money to hire some guys to do that to my Ally." She sent me dagger looks as if challenging me for a fight.

"No! Wait!" Fabian ran towards us, she got the attention of everyone by her sudden arrival. "It's not Sheila."

There were whispers and judgement from the suspects by what Fabian realized. Me myself was utterly confused too. "It's Gregory." She suddenly revealed. Everyone gasped. Others was surprise.

"Now you guys are accusing me now? What the hell is wrong with you guys? You are just some simple stupid students. How come you guys are known as detectives? Pure bullshit. First Sheila, and now me. How great!" Gregory stated, utterly annoyed.

"I thought the S means Sheila. And I apologize for that Sheila. But we haven't found out what is the meaning of E. We guessed that maybe E is Sheila's middle name. But that's not the point. Sheila is not framing Gregory. She is innocent. It was really Gregory himself. Gregory is also known as Silent Einstein, according to their classmate since elementary. He was a total introvert and quiet ever since. He is addicted and loves science so much like Einstein. That's how he earned the title.

"Ally mentioned that Gregory tried to court her, but she busted him. And his motive is totally revealed in his letters. His own words but not his writing. I have here one of his letters." Fabian pulled out a folded paper in her vintage brown sling bag.

"Ally, I love you. Can you love me back? Can you treat me more than that?" she read out loud. "This reveals that he loved Ally more than friends, to the point he couldn't accept that Ally couldn't treat Gregory more than friends." She explained.

"I want you so bad, I dream for you to feel the same. Cause I am thirsty for your hugs and kisses. I know, It sounds pretty lame. But this photos are enough evidence how much I love and want you so bad as always♡
Truly yours, ○●●○●○ ●○○●○○" She continued reading the letter to us.

"This reveals how obsessed Gregory is, to Ally. To the point he hired a photographer, text messenger, and a writer. According to Gregory's sibling, Oliver, he confirmed that Gregory really had an obsession to Ally. There were a lot of pictures of Ally in his room. He is also suffering a mental disorder."

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