Chapter Twelve: A Night of Chaos

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I shouted at the top of my lungs. I lost contact with her. When the crowd ran to the hallways, we got separated. I was pushed away from her by the crowd when they ran to evacuate.

Until I got out of the campus. The school still had no electricity. Only the red and blue lights from the police cars lighted the gloomy campus. Students and staffs still panicked. I hoped and wished I could find her here.

I was so damn nervous and worried for an unknown reason. I have no fucking idea why would the bell ring. Is there a fucking fire? I tried to shove off the people who blocked my way, trying and hoping to find her. I tried asking some students if they saw a girl in maroon dress. Most of them didn't hear me or didn't replied out of panic.

Shit. Fabian where the fuck are you?

I tried to get away from the crowd. When I found a spot far away from the gathered students, I decided to text her, asking where she is. Hoping she would reply.

"Why did the emergency bell of this school rang?" One police officer asked his co-police officer. I couldn't help but eavesdrop. I hid behind one of the cars near me, to listen to their conversation secretly.

"The guard of the school dialed 911. They said some psycho killed the guard from the entrance. He tried checking the CCTV cameras, trying to search where the psycho went. And when he found him got inside in the school, he decided to follow him. And the psycho was the cause for the electricity to go off. And that's when the guard decided to hit the emergency bell." The officer explained.

My eyes widen by what I just heard. That is when I found my heart pounded in a way because of nervousness and worry. I could almost hear it pounding in my ears.

A psycho killed the guard.


I was startled when my cellphone rang. I answered it immediately.


"Aaron." She called out my name. Fear evident in her voice.

"Where are you? Are you alright?" I asked worriedly and desperately.

"Aaron. Someone pushed me in here to the lady's bathroom, when everyone was evacuating and running in the hallways. Someone locked me in here. It's too dark and quiet in here, it's getting creepy." She explained in a whispered way, but I know she is just trying to be calm and quiet, but she's panicking inside. I could already feel the shiver of fear in her voice.

"Okay. Calm down Fabian. I'll go send help. Do me a favor okay?" I also tried to calm the shit out of me. If I panic and tell her about the psycho, she would panic too. My heart still pounded. I'm already sweating.

"What am I suppo--

*Toot toot toot*

Shit the line went off.


NO! Low battery. Fuck this! Why!?

My phone was my only source for light. And I fucking lost it. Great. Just great. The only thing that lighted a spot here in the bathroom, was the moon's light that shined through the small window. I have to get out of here. I need to figure out things on my own now.

I'm nervous. Yes, very. I'm shivering in fear to this pitch black surroundings. All alone. Having an adrenaline rush in me. My heart pounding. Things happened to fast like a blink of an eye. How am I going to calm down?

I inhaled and exhaled. I tried to clear my head so I could think straight.

Now, why would the bell ring?

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