Chapter Ten: Prom Night

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Author's Note: Yoyoyo! What's up! So I have a picture of Aaron! I could imagine him look like this. So yeah. And by the way, disclaimer! This chapter is just like an introduction for the Prom Night chapters! So don't expect for this to be something thrilling or significant. Lol.  Happy reading guys!

I borrowed dad's car. I have to! I wanted to experience picking up Fabian, while driving a gray Mercedes Benz, in a navy blue suit. Looking good my man!

*knock knock knock*

Yep, I'm nervous. So much. I don't why. The door opened, his father opened it. "Good even Mister Mercado." I greeted politely. "I'm here to pick up your daughter for Prom." I stated like a permission. Aight, so did I said that right?

He smiled. "Sure. Come in." He took a step backwards to give me way to get inside to their home.

I got inside, and I wad in their living room. Over here I could see the stairs and dinning room. I waited for five minutes when Fabian's dad told me he would just go upstairs to call Fabian and her mom.

I looked at my watch minute by minute. I shoved my hands in my pant's pockets. I tapped my foot impatiently in the floor. I'm getting more nervous as more minutes passed. What the fuck is wrong with me?

When I suddenly heard gentle footsteps from the stairs, I immediately looked up. Oh, his dad. "Aaron? May I have a word with you?" As soon as those words came out from hos mouth, my heart pumped fast. Making me beyond nervous.

This is usually the time the father let go some words to protect his beloved daughter. And who knows what would he say.

I paused for a moment. "Of course Mister Mercado." I replied.

He walked closer to me, and sat down in the sofa. "Please, sit down for a moment." I did as what he said. "So while waiting for Fabian. I'll just grab this chance to talk to you." I nodded my head, listening to his every word.

"Fabian is my only daughter. And I want the best for her. And she's still very young. I will permit her to go with you tonight, just promise me to bring her back safely."

"I promise Mister Mercado. I'll bring her back in one piece." I replied. And he gave me a timid smile.

"You really should Aaron. Bring her back in one piece, with her virginity. But I'm hoping that this date is just a friendly one. As much as possible, I don't want my daughter to date. She's just too precious, I can't imagine her suffering for early pregnancy. I apologize anyway for being too straight forward. But you're her best friend since then, so I trust you. And I'm expecting you two will remain as that. As good peers."

Just a while ago, I feel excited and nervous. Excited to see her, to bring her as my date to Prom. To walk with her in the red carpet. Nervous, cause we are going to create a very sentimental memory. Memory. Nervous cause she is the girl. The girl I want to be with.

But now, I was disappointed. Down. Pain. When her father said those words. Like my whole system suddenly turned off. If a while ago, everything felt so special with a lot of colors, not it just turned gloomy and dark.

I looked down. I just followed my instincts to not show my negative emotions. I really wanted to disagree so badly. But I have nothing to do, that is Fabian's father. I can't have the guts to do that. "Yes Mister Mercado." I looked up again, faced him. I faked a smile. "I truly understand." Lie.

I looked up to the stairs when I heard gentle footsteps coming from the ceiling above. Followed by giggles. Probably Fabian and her mom. And there she is, going downstairs. Step by step.

Me and her dad stood up. The negative feeling suddenly lifted away for a while. It was replaced by admiration. Appreciation. My heart pumped again. Too fast. Too loud. God, what would happen to me without this girl? I don't even know if I could live without her.

She wore her simple yet elegant maroon dress. She wore silhouettes two inches high. Her black hair was curled in big waves, and had a half braid.


I was snapped out from my thoughts, when she greeted me. With a very angelic smile. I stared blankly at her, totally speechless. "Yo? You look gorgeous." I complimented truly and smiled boyishly. "Let's go?"

Her mom looked at her with such admiration. Like she is very happy to see her being a lady. She just smiled with glee. Fabian kissed her mom in the cheek, "You grow so fast." Her mom said softly. And it was like she was about to cry in tears of joy. Her mom is the kind of woman who is sweet, gentle, very kind and humble woman.

Her dad looked at her. Like he wanted to tell her something, but hesitant if he should. Fabian looked back at him expectantly. But her dad just smiled. "Go for it and enjoy your night my girl." While his dad is over protective for his only daughter. And I respect that.

We walked our way out of their house. I opened the car door for the passenger seat for her. "I didn't know you could be a total gentleman." She teased as she got inside. I just chuckled at her, and closed the door.

I got inside the driver's sit. I could already smell a totally different fragrance. An elegant one. Sexy. Lol what am I saying? It just smells different from the baby colognes she use. "Where did you get the car? It's pretty nice." She complimented.

"Yep. I borrowed it from dad. Don't want to pick you up and just going to ride the bus. Nope. Don't want that to happen to such beautiful lady." I stated as I started the engine. She just chuckled at me.

A chuckle that was music in my ears.

Cliché? I know. But whatever. It's just how I feel. I just feel the same shit like what others do. I'm no extraordinary boy.



Me and Fabian smiled for the camera. One arm of mine was over her shoulder. While she held my arm.

"Wacky guys! Be read in 1! 2! 3!"


We just made our silly funny faces. For the entrance, you have to take a picture for the photo booth that the school committee prepared. One photographer ran in our way, she gave Fabian a blue rose like the one in her wrist.

"Now, girl I want you to put this blue rose in your date's front pocket in her suit. Pretend it is stolen! Fabian did what the photographer said and she didn't move. "Now boy! Look at her and smile!" Even if the photographer didn't say that. I would really look at her.

She looked so beautiful. She giggled because of the photographer. She finds this hilarious. I find this romantic. Kiddin. My lips curved into a smile, she's just too cute. My heart pumped too fast again.


"Perfecto!" The photographer exclaimed after capturing that moment. She went to us and gave us the picture. She smiled at us. And she looked at me knowingly. "You like her don't you?" She whispered behind my ear. I scratched my neck embarrassed and shy. When I gave her a 'how did you know?' look. "The picture tells everything you know?" She replied.

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